12. Worried Girlfriend

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Poseidon walked over to Lou Ellen and Nico who were frozen in shock. "Come along, children," Poseidon said, a solemn look on his face, "I'll take you to Percy. Hold on."

Nico figured he could probably shadow travel, but he was extremely exhausted. So Lou Ellen and Nico simply nodded, then grabbed onto Poseidon's tan, muscular arm. In a matter of seconds, they arrived in a bright, golden infirmary. It was completely empty except for Percy laying in one cot, still unconscious.

(A/N Keep in mind I know nothing about this doctor-y stuff so sorry if it's incorrect)

Percy had magically changed into a blue hospital gown, and had a bunch of different things attached to him that hooked up to the machine that keeps track of your heart rate.

Apollo looked up, noticing the god and demigods. "His heart rate is steady, and I've stabilized him, so he should be okay, but he's still unconscious, and some serious damage was done to his skin and bones. Third degree burns all across his back and a few broken bones. It's honestly a wonder he's alive, but Percy has always been known as a tough one," Apollo winked.

"That's it?" Lou Ellen asked. Apollo didn't seem finished.

"Well... obviously that was a pretty serious hit. So he could have had a lot of damage done to his brain, or hardly any at all. It's hard to tell in the state he's in right now. We'll run some tests when he wakes up," Apollo said.

"I'm going to kill Zeus," Nico heard Poseidon mutter.

"Do you have any idea how long until he wakes up?" Lou Ellen asked.

Apollo frowned. "Not exactly sure. It should be between three and five weeks, but it's hard to tell. Like I said, that should have killed him," Apollo said.

Lou Ellen and Nico nodded softly. "Uh, we should give Apollo some space," Lou Ellen said, "Let's go in the hallway."

Nico nodded and the two demigods stepped out in the hallway. "This is all my fault," Nico moaned as soon as Lou Ellen closed the door, "I shouldn't have distracted him and this would never have happened."

"Nico, I was the one who started it. Don't feel bad, okay?" Lou Ellen gave Nico a reassuring smile.

Nico nodded, cleared his throat, then said, "We should Iris message Camp Half-Blood to see if everyone is back to normal."

"Good idea. But we don't have either of the things to make an Iris message," Lou Ellen said.

Nico thought for a moment, then poked his head back into the infirmary. "Uh, Apollo? Do you happen to have a golden drachma?" Nico asked. Apollo tossed Nico a golden drachma out of seemingly nowhere, winking as he did. Nico thanked him, then went out in the hallway by Lou Ellen.

"We've got a drachma, now we need mist," Nico said.

"The bathroom is right there," Lou Ellen pointed.

Nico wrinkled his nose. "But that's the girls' bathroom," He said.

Lou Ellen rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Nico, do you want to Iris message the camp or not?" Nico sighed, but reluctantly followed Lou Ellen into the girls' bathroom.

Lou Ellen walked over to a sink, turning it on, then put it thumb under the faucet (but not all the way) so it sprayed out, like I mist. "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Camp Half-Blood," Nico said, tossing the drachma into the water.

One second later, an image of campers confusingly walking around at Camp popped up. They were shaking their heads, and looking at their hands and clothes. Annabeth was the first to see the Iris message at Camp.

She ran over to it, still in her pink outfit, with a confused look on her face. "Nico? Where are you? And... what am I wearing? And what the heck has happened to Camp? There's been some serious redecorating," Annabeth said.

"It's a really long story that I'll share later," Nico said scratching the back of his head, "But is everyone acting like their usual selves?"

"Yeah, why? Well, besides their clothing," Annabeth said, "And some campers are missing, like Percy, - again - Will, Jason, and Sherman."

Nico flinched at the mention of Will. It was especially weird and hard considering he was in Will's dad's palace. "I know where Percy is," Nico said.

Annabeth's eyes widened. "Really? Where?" She said.

"The infirmary," Nico said quietly, "At Apollo's sun palace..."

Annabeth's mouth dropped open. "What? Why is my boyfriend at some godly infirmary?" She said. Nico had never seen Annabeth with so many questions she didn't know the answer too.

"Again, long story. Just find a way to get here and I'll explain," Nico said. Annabeth nodded, a worried look on her face. On that note, Nico swiped his hand through the Iris message, ending it.

"Well at least everyone is back to normal," Lou Ellen said with a smile, turning the water off.

"Yeah but Percy is still hurt and we have a worried girlfriend on our hands," Nico said.

"Be more optimistic," Lou Ellen grinned, punching Nico playfully.

Just as she said that, an air nymph popped it's head into the bathroom. "Come quick!" She squealed worryingly.

"Why?" Nico asked.

"It's about Percy!" She said, then disintegrated into air. Nico and Lou Ellen looked at each other, then ran into the infirmary. Percy was still on the bed, but he was shaking violently.

Apollo looked panicked. "His heart rate is still normal! I don't know what's happening!" Apollo said.

After about ten more minutes of that happening, Percy's face began to twitch, and his eyes suddenly shot open. But they were no longer their vibrant sea green color that everyone loved, but a deep purple.

"Percy!" Poseidon exclaimed, probably not noticing the eyes.

Percy didn't answer. He blinked, then scanned the room slowly, a smirk taking over his face.

Ooh another cliffhanger. I like doing that. And everyone's back to normal so yay! I know I said there's probably not much chapters left, but I'm honestly not sure. We'll see how  this goes and I know how it's supposed to end!

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