10. Percy and the Gods

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Percy strut out of the elevator to Olympus, walking through the mythical land above the Empire State Building. As he walked, tsunamis of water came crashing down behind him, destroying the architecture and wiping out the beings that roamed there.

He laughed as he heard the nymphs' screams, the shouts of the minor gods, the bleats of the satyrs. That's right Perseus, Circe said in Perseus's head, Inflicting pain is fun.

"It really is," Percy said out loud, laughing.

He finally reached the throne room, kicking the door open. Inside were the 12 Olympians, plus Hades, Hestia, Hypnos, and Hecate. Zeus stood up as Percy entered the room. "Perseus Jackson," Zeus said, "Just the man we're looking for."

"Wow, I feel so special," Percy touched his heart dramatically and smirked.

Ares stood up and shoved past Zeus. "Quit the act, punk. Hand over that cursed ring and we'll let you live," Ares demanded.

"Oh, I'm so scared," Percy yawned.

This certainly triggered Ares.

The god of war roared, then charged at Percy full speed with his sword aimed at his heart. Poseidon attempted to tell him to stop, but Ares didn't listen. Ares and Percy began to spar, Ares being extremely aggressive. But Percy was still an excellent swordsmen. He fought Ares without even breaking a sweat, yawning occasionally.

"Ares, stop! He's only eighteen!" Poseidon yelled.

"He's a monster! A traitor!" Ares screamed.

"It's not his fault!" Poseidon said.

"I don't care!" Ares roared, striking at Percy. Percy easily dodged it, then stabbed Ares right in the gut, causing golden ichor to drip out. Ares glared at the boy, but the war god's eyes were full of pain.

"Ares, I was able to defeat you when I was twelve. What makes you think I can't do it now?" Percy laughed.

"Punk!" Ares screamed, slashing at Percy. Once again, Percy easily dodged it.

About twenty minutes later, Percy had defeated Ares and tied him up, along with the rest of the gods. All without even breaking a sweat. The chains he used to tie the gods up with was made and enchanted by hypnotized Hephaestus and Hecate campers so they couldn't break out. "Well that was fun!" Percy grinned.

"Son, please, come back," Poseidon begged the sea green eyed demigod.

Percy just rolled his eyes. "If you really care about me that much, then maybe you shouldn't have abandoned me!" Percy yelled at the sea god. Percy was angry, and Circe's thoughts in his head were only making his anger grow.

Poseidon looked hurt. "Percy, I had no choice. I'm a god-"

"So what?! That means you can just abandon your children? I don't think you have any idea how messed up that is!" Percy screamed.

"I thought you got over that," Poseidon said quietly.

"Then you obviously don't pay attention," Percy spat angrily. He took a deep breath and an evil smile replaced his glare. "But don't worry, I'll make you pay. I'll make you all pay!"

Percy walked over to Ares who was the most beat up of them all. Percy smirked. "You. You're one of the worst of them all. A jerk trying to show off to everyone while in reality, you're just a pussy!" Percy said. He moved over to Dionysus. "And you! You're freaking awful! Six years later of me saving your sorry butt all the time and you can't even remember my dam name! I should kill you first."

"We're gods, that's kind of impossible," Dionysus scoffed.

"Oh yeah? We'll see how impossible it is when I make you fade out of existence!" Percy said. He moved over to Hestia who had given the least amount of fight. She was determined to find a peaceful way out. "Hestia. I suppose you're not that bad, but you're too nice. It's sickening. You won't last much longer in a world full of these monsters. I might as well end your life before they do! Put you out of your misery."

"I don't think you really mean that," Hestia said quietly.

"Oh, but I do," Percy said, poking Hestia with the handle of his sword.

He moved over to Zeus, spitting on his feet to Zeus's anger. "And you! The almighty Zeus! Well, that's what I used to think... actually, I never thought that! You're a totally overrated, lousy, cocky, cheater of a lord! I'll happily destroy you!" Percy said.

"How dare you!" Zeus said. "I can kill you with the snap of my fingers!"

"But you won't. Percy is still in there," Poseidon said, but he still looked hurt from Percy's words from before.

"We'll see," Zeus said.

Percy moved on to the next god, Aphrodite, who he rolled his eyes at the sight of. "Ugh, you. The vain goddess of all things insufferable. Beauty and love," Percy said.

"You find love insufferable?" Aphrodite asked in confusion.

"I suppose I didn't... four months ago. But then my eyes were opened and I realized how pointless it is! Honestly, what is the point of love?" Percy raised his eyebrow.

A dreamy look spread across Aphrodite's face. "It-"

"Uh, don't answer that question," Percy said, not wanting to stand here for another ten hours. "My point is, you're a useless goddess that's made my life hell and I'll be happy to see you go!"

Percy then moved down to Athena who had an angry look on her face. "Hmm. I suppose you're not too bad given the fact that you gave birth to my once true love. But she isn't any more. No, now she's just a ditzy dumb blonde! And you have wanted to kill me on several occasions. I'll be happy to see you go as well!"

"This is exactly why I wanted you killed," Athena said, "People like you become overwhelmed with power and things like this happen!"

"Whatever," Percy said. He scanned the rest of the gods. "My point is, I have reasons to end all of you! The world will be a much better place without you monsters in it! I'll rule and no one will ever have to deal with you and your sorry excuse for being alive again!"

Percy walked over to Poseidon, a mad grin on his face. "And you will be the first to go, father," Percy spat the word 'father' like it was poison.

Percy raised his sword and was just about to plunge it in to Poseidon, when he suddenly heard two voices behind him yelling, "Stop!" He turned around to find the sound, his back to the gods... which was he biggest mistake of his life.

Before he could even process what was happening, a lightning bolt came out of nowhere, hitting Percy in the back and causing him to scream in pain, then fall to the ground.

The end!

......Nah, I'm just kidding! There's actually a couple more chapters to go! Probably around 3-5. Hope you liked the chapter!

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