Something is wrong

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Saiki sighed internally as Nendou opened his mouth. He knew what was coming, they all did. ''Hey buddies, lets go get some ramen.''

Nendou is such a mystery. He is both awfully consistent and yet it is he who often catches me by surprise. The universe sure is funny huh.

''Nendou, no one wants to go get ramen with you, that's so boringgg,'' Kaidou said with a huff. Saiki sighed again, he knew where this was going, they all did. ''I have much better ways to spend my time like you know, saving your lives from none other than the Dark Reunion!''

Saving your friends' lives is not a fun way to spend your time and I would definitely know.

I really don't want to go out today.

Weird. Something seems to be up with Kaidou but it doesn't seem to be too major so I'll not interfere for now.

I'm sure they'd prefer I didn't anyways.

That's even stranger. I was aware Kaidou was insecure but this is a new thought from him. You see people are awfully repetitive in their thoughts. It makes sense since most thoughts aren't concious and simple. That thought from Kaidou is a new one. Mostly he's just worrying about his mother or thinking of his fantasy world. Maybe my assistance will be required here.

''Let's do something different today,'' Saiki said voice and face as blank as ever. On the inside however he was plotting.

I need to think of something to do that Kaidou wouldn't dare refuse even with his strange feelings and then I can continue to assess his thoughts.

Wow Saiki spoke a whole five words! I still don't want to go out with them both though but that must be for the best.

Me speaking isn't that amazing, I do talk to them sometimes don't I?

They don't want me as their friend I'm sure.

Assuming things about others is rude Kaidou. Now what could you never decline? Hmm...

''Come to my house today.'' Kaidou eyes widened. Nendou was as unaffected as ever.

Saiki's never invited us round before. What changed? He doesn't seem any different. This is so random. Ahh I don't want to go but I don't want to miss this opportunity! Well might as well enjoy this while it lasts, he'll probably be disgusted with me soon enough. I'm sure this a one time thing anyways and probably more for Nendou than me.

Sheesh this is bad if Kaidou thinks this is for Nendou. And what would I be disgusted by? There's little that fazes me.

''Aw man. Does your house at least have ramen buddy?'' Nendou asked.

Of course he'd say that.

''Yes we have instant ramen at my house,'' Saiki informed them. Wow! Saiki said eight whole words!

Okay this is a little creepy..

The three of them walked together down the street, looking like quite an odd combination. Standing next to Nendou could make anyone look odd. Well maybe Terahushis an exception to that but she is an exception to everything odd after all. Although they did look quite strange together them walking like this was nothing new. Kaidou and Nendou argued as they walked side by side, not looking at where they were going as Saiki trudged a bit behind them, moving everything they could trip on away from their path subtly with his powers.

Why do I even bother?!

Nendou had managed to walk into a tree. Every now and again Kaidou would glance back checking Saiki was there.

It's almost as if he expects me to disappear, which I could do but he shouldn't know that.

''Dark Onion sounds so dumb anyways! Ramen with onion is so much better!'' shouted Nendou with a pleased smirk on his face.

His stupidity is actually astounding.

''You idiot! It's Dark Reunion not Dark Onion! Can you stop thinking about food!'' Kaidou squawked.

Actually he doesn't think at all.

Now Nendou has gone and done it. The Dark Reunion's going to know that someone made fun of them and they'll be after us quick! Nendou can surely fight and with my powers I'll be fine! But what about poor defenseless Saiki! Ah no worries, I'll just have to protect us both!

The thought is nice but he really has not a clue. Thinking of clueless, I wonder if they've realised yet. We are walking to my house and yet I'm not in the lead. Therefore we are trusting Nendou to lead us there correctly since he's the one out of the two that's ever seen it before. Well he's always been unpredictable so maybe he'll-

Nope. ''Ah and here we are. Ramen time!'' exclaimed Nendou. The public toilets they were standing in front of certainly were not where Saiki lived. Kaidou got to chewing Nendou out before him. All he was planning to do was glare though so perhaps this was better. ''Now look what you've done! This is a toilet not a house! How dumb can you be! And where are we anyways!?'' shouted Kaidou as he wobbled on his tip toes attempting to shout at Nendou's face. He was failing but Nendou still got the idea. '' Sorry but it's no biggie. Now let's see if they sell ramen here!''
''Yeah in poop flavour!'' screeched Kaidou.

I really shouldn't of come today and how is Nendou so incredibly stupid. He managed to mess up our trip to Saiki's house. This was probably the first and last time I'd ever get to do that!

Yeah they needed to get a move on so Saiki could find out what was up. ''I know the way from here,'' said Saiki with a sigh. He resumed walking but this time the other two trailed behind. They were both quiet now but Kaidou's thoughts were the opposite.

No now Saiki's mood has probably been ruined! It's a miracle he's still taking us to his house! Ahh I can't wait! I wonder what his rooms like? Woah has his hair always been that pretty!
Saiki whipped his head round at a truly frightening speed.
Wait what?!

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