Chapter 1 ~ rewritten

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changed Grace to the gorgeous Clare Bowen by the way!

Ireland (January 15th, 2009)

The tiny cottage was surrounded by trees, the earthy greens reminding Grace of home. She closed her eyes, picturing her home back there, the big trees that were a vibrant green when it wasn't snowing. She smelt the earthy tones of the rich soil and a barely there floral smell as a light wind blew against her cheek.

She sighed, not wanting to be at the place that she now stood at.

It's too dangerous to go back, though!

"You really were scared weren't you? I mean, I never thought that I'd hear from you again. " The gruff voiced came from behind her, laced with a venomous glare. That's going to take some getting use to, Grace thought, her pale red lips turning towards the ground.

"You know me, the rich bitch that only cares about herself." The sultry sweet voice was filled with as much, if not more, angst than her ex brother like friend. He had to still somewhat care for her, otherwise she wouldn't be here now.

"Like you ever knew about me, Dempsey, can you even tell me one thing that you know about me?" The deadly seethe continued on, as the air around the two seemed to get heavier.

You should really be nice, after all, he just saved your life.

And they were back at it again. How were they ever friends when all they did was fight like children? Heavy drops of footsteps crawled towards the girl, as she came to a scratchy looking raven colored material, with two tan limbs crossed over one and other. Dempsey's amber colored eyes slowly descended downwards, creating an image of the length of the Grace's thin figure.

Physically she had looked the same, with the deep ocean orbs that the man had seen countless times, and the same spiraling golden strands. Still, something told the man that she was not the same person as before.

Even then, the breathy sigh that came through her lips, had told the man that she was no where near what she had been.

"She told me, you know, about how you asked her to do anything to get me away from Bates, and Cas," \Stormy orbs held a fiery blue that Dempsey had never witnessed before. He raised an thick black eyebrow, as if to say that he had no idea what on earth the girl was talking about.

Sticky mud sat on the faded blue jean material that Dempsey wore around his waist. A leaf tumbled towards the man, bonding onto the black cotton that covered his defined ab muscles. A blank expression faced the rustic looking object as soft fingers gently flicked it away.

"He's a bad guy, you could have gotten hurt." I humorless scoff passed through Grace's lips. Her golden cream strands of hair floated around her face, as a single thought floated in and out of her mind.

Like hell he could ever hurt me.

The way her eyes crinkled with amusement showed Dempsey how she didn't care, though the truth was that he was right. The girl could have gotten hurt in so many ways.

A gust of cool air passed over them, as a violent shiver seemed to rack Grace's body. Where she was from, it would be no where near this cold. Sighing, Grace just wanted to go inside and curl up with a blanket, maybe watch some of her favorite t.v. show reruns while she was at it?

Flicking his head towards the tiny cottage behind the pair, Dempsey turned towards the girl that was watching him like a hawk. After turning around, he sauntered towards the house, taking light airy steps, as if he had no care in the world.

This should be interesting, she thought, after a moment of gazing at him. After they had both taken a few steps, as their shoes were coated in mud, Dempsey turned toward her. Void of all emotion, his dusty tinted eyes followed her's to the cottage.

"Welcome to your new home," he muttered, as the blank look told him that she wasn't focused on him. The cottage was a cream colored, two story house. It had a mossy vine growing up the side of it, rolling all the way up to the ashy roof. It's cherry wood door was slightly fraying, bits and pieces of it hanging off the actual door. The gold knob seemed to tease the girl, as a fogged up mirror outlined a girl that looked into it. Behind her reflection was the place that she was too call home for a while. Lifting a foot onto the last creaky stone step, the girl put her dainty hands on her thighs, and peered curiously at the cherry wood that now stood ajar.

"This should be fun," she spoke to herself, as the raven haired man took a step inside, a flick of a shadow covered wrist motioning her to follow.

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