Chapter 2

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Changed Cas for the millionth time, but I think Zac Efron will stick;)

January 20th, 2009

Dublin, Ireland

"Dearest one," Grace wrote, while looking at the Russian journal that she refused to leave behind. She had left a note for them to find, but would they have listened well enough over the years to find it?

Is it really in plain sight?

The girl looked outside, mesmerized by the different shades of green that stood out before her. The trees rose into the sky, looking dark and deadly, but majestic all at the same time. Grace held the aromatic latte up by her chest, cradling it to her. Her hair was tossed in a messy bun, as she softly blew the fly away strands out of her face.

"Hey," she knew that Dempsey was behind her far before he spoke. She lazily looked back at him, a small smile tugged on the corner of her lips. He slowly jaunted towards her, while she looked back at the wind blown trees. Dempsey watched her, afraid that she would disappear at any moment.

"Relax, they won't find me here," she spoke softly, as Dempsey wondered how she could tell what he was thinking. His black hair was messy, his brown eyes looking at her softly. They had only been there a little over a week, but Grace had kept quiet almost that entire time. There are too many secrets that might get found, though... she thought, while slyly shutting the Russian leather.

"Hey, I have a friend coming today," Dempsey said, while looking at the tiny girl. She raised her eyebrow, saying 'oh yeah' with her eyes. He nodded, as they both peered out of the window. Of course Dempsey noticed the beautiful Russian leather journal, which was enchanting with a orange tree coming through the bindings of it. Grace looked up at her old friend, wondering whom the man was.

"So, you gonna tell me the name of the person?" she asked, a sarcasm dripping through her words. She watched as his eyes seemed to glaze over, as if he was confused by the question. A teasing smile formed on her lips, as a soft chuckle bubbled out of her lips.

"The person that's coming today?" she asked, as she watched Dempsey finally understand what she was talking about. And he says that I'm the blonde one! She thought, while waiting for him to give her a name.

"Greg." That asshole! That's why she never saw him when she was supposed to be picked up.

I am such an idiot for not putting two and two together!

"Oh, I'm going to kill that man when he gets here," she growled out, as Dempsey once again glanced at her with a perplexed look. She shook her head, blonde hair sprawling out in her face, as a creek of a door was heard.

"Well look who it is," she said sarcastically, as a blonde haired, green eyed man came sauntering in the little cherry wood cabin door. Grace rose an eyebrow, folding her arms across her chest. The man looked like a little kid that was getting scolded. That's when Dempsey noticed for the first time, that it might not have just been him and Bates that were given looks constantly.

"Uh, hi?" Greg said, with a nervous smile etched on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?" she snarled, while the man rolled his eyes. Looking down at the short girl, whom was fighting to even be a foot shorter than him, he shrugged his shoulders. His forest like eyes peered down at her, as she didn't seem so small anymore.

"Cool it, love; I just had some things to handle. Dempsey was ver capable of taking care of you."

"I know that!" her voice deadly quiet, as Dempsey looked between the pair. So how did they know each other exactly?

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