Sixteen: A Stone is a Stone

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They brought us to an abandoned building while Michael sat her down in between his legs on a leather couch they had there. She struggled to get away from him, but he cuffed her wrists behind her and gripped her hair to hold her head still so that she couldn't head-butt him like last time.  He whispered something in her ear with a smirk on his face and forced her legs apart, rolling up her dress to reveal her panties.

"Don't fucking touch her!"  I growled at him, trying to kick at him.  His men grabbed me and slammed me back against the metal wall, beginning to beat me to shut me up. Eventually they had me lying on my side on the floor as they kicked me in the stomach a few times, causing me to groan in pain.

"Stop!" Grace called out. "I'm complying so stop hurting him!" She added. My brother snapped his fingers and got them to stop. They held my head up and forced me to watch him as he stripped her of her jacket and then her dress.  His men then chained me to one of the poles and sat me down on the concrete floor.

She looked down, obviously embarrassed that anyone but me was touching her this way, but didn't make any noises as he took off her bra and groped her breasts with his bare hands.

"Stop touching her like that!" I demanded, feeling my anger boil as I watched her fight back tears.

"How selfish of you, Victor.  You kept such a pretty thing all to yourself."  He said with that smirk still on his face.  He moved his hand down her stomach and into her underwear.  I wanted to kill him.  I wanted to erase him from existence.  She couldn't help it.  She started to bite her own lips just to muffle the noises he was causing her to make. Her lip started to bleed as he stuck his fingers inside of her. "So soft. It's no wonder you're prone to keeping her." She fought him the whole time and even managed to kick him in the shins, making him groan.  He ripped her panties off in anger and threw her down on top of me.  She crossed her arms over her chest and crawled leaned against me.  I wanted to wrap my arms around her and protect her.  Instead, she had to look up at me with those helpless blue eyes.

His men had us stand up from the floor and were about to beat me again until she wrapped her arms around me, pushing her bare body against me. I raised one of my knees up to protect her. I could feel her heart beating against my chest. She was scared, but she was doing everything she could to be brave against these men.

"If you want to hurt him, you'll have to hurt me too because I won't let go!"  She yelled, surprising everyone in the room, including me.

"I don't think so, Princess." Michael growled as he yanked her back and held her arms behind her. "I think it'd be much more fun to let some of these men touch the forbidden fruit too." He chuckled. My eyes widened and I tried to fight my chains, watching as the four men surrounded her, until I could no longer see her fearful expression. They began touching her and I could hear her cries as they did. She tried to fight back. She tried doing everything in her power to get away.

"Michael!" I yelled. "Stop!" I begged. He snapped his fingers, making his men freeze. "Please, I'm begging you. She's not used to this world and it will destroy her! So please! I'll do whatever you want, Brother!"

"Fine." He sighed, calling his men off of her and throwing a sheet over her. She fell to her knees, shaking from what almost happened to her. She quickly crawled back over to me and laid her head on my chest. I put my chin on top of her head, giving her what little comfort I could with my hands tied behind me. "This is boring anyway, so I'll make you a deal, Brother."  He neared us and made her let go by grabbing her and forcing her to stand up.  "We'll fight for her.  Hand to hand.  No weapons.  No interference.  Just you and me.  To the death.  Deal?"

"Knight, don't.  I'm not-"

"Deal."  I agreed without hesitation.  I wasn't going to give her up.  I wasn't going to give up the position or the power because of my fucking brother.  He was never a brother to me anyway.  Grace stuck by me and meant far more than the brother who left after our dad died.  I wasn't afraid to die for her.

His men held her to the side, keeping her still by holding onto each of her eyes. I looked over at her for just a moment to see her pull the sheet tighter around her. Michael and I stood on each side of the room. Looking at her for that moment gave me the strength to do what I needed to do. He wasn't going to get away with treating her like that. I was going to win and I was going to kill my brother.

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