Silly feeling

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       ( a kaidam story if u ship them both ) :)

       A sunrise started to form, adam started to wake up and saw kai walking towards him. " wake up sleepy head. " kai poked adam. " im up im up, geez kai,". Adam started to feel his heart warm up and he started to blush. " adam are you always blushing when you wake up." Adam stood there in shock. " what n-no."(adam) " hey guys how did you sleep" mira walked towards them. " we slept great." Kai answered happily, which made adam smile. " you seem happy kai?" Adam blushed, " yea im just happy we settled into the hollow life and were getting along." Why do i like him so much, i mean he's just so adorable look at him, no adam no but he's so cute. Adam didn't notice how long he stared at kai, " uhmm adam are you ok." Kai tapped adams shoulder, " is he gonna be alright " mira looked at kai, " uhmm i dont know." ( kai) " well i found this car when you guys were sleeping and this place we all can stay , i already drove vanessa and the others over there." ( mira) " THATS SO COOL." Kai got excited and accidentally stepped on adams foot, " OW" ( adam) " heh sorry adam" ( kai ) " its fine " adam got up and dusted himself off, " alright lets go guys" mira led them to the car and drove off.

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