Movie " heat"

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" reeve, reeve, babeee" reeve woke up to a warm smell of breakfast on a little table for him, " i made you breakfast in bed" adam smiled and kissed reeve on the lips. Reeve blushed and started eating, " want some" reeve looked at adam, " noo babe this is for you." Adam went through reeves hair " i was thinking maybe we can go to the movies ill bring kai if thats ok." Not him, omgosh, reeve keep it together you cant make adam unhappy. " yea thats fine." Reeve crossed his arms, adam hugged him and smiled " dont forget that i love you." Adam stroked reeves hair, " love you too." Reeve smiled.
                                 [ an hour later ]
      Adam and reeve heard a knock, " you wanna get it" reeve smirked at adam, " but im so comfy" adam rolled his eyes and got up, and opened the door " hey adam," kai hugged adam " hey reeve" ( kai) " hey " reeve gave adam and kai a look, " well are you both ready." Kai didn't wait for a response he grabbed there hands and ran to the car. Adam started the car and they left.
       Once they arrived kai grabbed there hands and ran into the theaters, " ok what movie are we watching." (Kai) " lets watch a scary one." Adam spooked kai and he jumped, then adam rubbed his back " sorry kai" he laughed, reeve stood there crossing his arms, he got angrier that kai and adam got together, all of them went into the theater. Adam sat next to reeve and kai sat on the other side of adam. Kai screamed for every jump scare and adam petted him, reeve started feeling angry and he pulled adam close to him " sit on the other side."( reeve) " why babe, whats wrong." Adam lifted up reeves face, " nothing never mind." Reeve rolled his eyes. Adam and kai laughed at each others jokes, reeve reached his point and huffed and walked out. " i should probably check on him. " reeve was ready to go back then felt adam bump heads with him. " are you ok " adam lifted up reeves chin, " yea im fine, but geez adam that hurt." Reeve rubbed his forehead. " yea sorry, but why'd you run out." Adam looked at reeve with a frown. " because you and kai were wayy to close, like acting way over." Adam smirked and carried reeve, " i promise me and kai are just friends, he knows im with you anyway, so there isnt any problem." Reeve sigh of relief, and they continue watching the movie.

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