" hey where did the enemy feeling go?"

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                               ( reevedam ship )

       Once everyone settled into the hollow, they all hung out, adam remembered what mira told him to tell reeve what he felt but reeve still was in enemy mode. Maybe I should try after lunch. Adam met mira at the table reeve sat across from him, adam could'nt help but stare at reeve, hes just so adorable, adam filled himself with thoughts. Reeve put an eyebrow up " why are you starring at me adam." Adam snapped out of it, " WHAT oh nothing im just spacing out." Reeve rolled his eyes and continued eating. Hes so cute when he eats, its driving me crazy, HE is driving me crazy. Everyone finished and went to there rooms, adam couldnt let this opportunity go so he knocked on reeves door, " adam?!" Reeve was shocked and had a little tint of red, " hey reeve can i stay with you for a bit." Reeve froze and looked at adam, " ye-yea sure" reeve closed the door behind adam, what is he doing here, so he isnt in the enemy mindset, maybe I should get out of it?, NO NO reeve hes...amazing , NO yes but- " uhmm reeve you ok, you look nervous." ( adam) " im good, im fine", reeve looked at the tv, adam got closer and touched reeves leg, reeve blushed and jumped " g-get yo-your hand o-off." Adam smirked and moved it " well reeve i have to tell you something." Reeve looked at adam " and it is ?" Reeve raised an eyebrow, " well " ( adam started blushing ) " i like you reeve, like i like you alot, and maybe you can be my bo-boyfriend." Reeve froze turned red, " y-you l-like m-me." ( reeve) " yea i know your in "enemy " mode but I really like you reeve." Adam smiled and blushed at reeve, reeve froze and felt something warm on his lips, he looked and saw adam kissing him, reeves eyes were widen, he froze as he felt adam kissing him hungrily. Adam stopped and looked at reeve " i know you probably dont feel the same way but-" reeve smirked " who said " then he kept flipping through the channels adam cuddle up on reeve and watched tv with him.

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