Beautiful breeze

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"Is that" kai sniffed " warm pancakes with maple syrup and " he sniffs again " a hot chocolate on the side." Kai jumped out and rushed down to the diner and saw adam with a apron making everyone breakfast, " hey babe " adam hugged kai, kai smiled at adam and hugged him back " heyy". The others started coming downstairs and sat down, " wow reeve you look.." adam started giggling " very funny adam." Reeve rolled his eyes, skeet opened the curtains so did mira. " its still so cool theres a built in diner here." Kai looked around to see if theres anything odd, " well done making breakfast, so you guys can eat up." Everyone slowly eat and adam took off his apron and started eating, everyone thanked adam, and left except mira and kai, " so i was thinking of maybe we could all go somewhere, like find some where entertaining to go in the hollow." ( mira ) " ouu like exploring that would be FUN." Kai smiled and it warmed adams heart up, " well what do you say adam" kai looked at adam with a pouty face, " of course lets do it, oh by the way mira me and kai are officially-" mira eyes widen " DATING" vanessa and the others stood outside of there rooms " OHH NOO WE HEARD SOMEONE IS D.A.T.I.N.G," reeve smirked so did skeet and they all went back downstairs " sorry i got to excited " mira gave a nervous giggle. " so who are the " lucky" ones." Reeve came up to adam and mira and kai, " its you adam isnt it." Reeve nugged adam, " i knew you liked kai i just knew it." Reeve smirked and skeet agreed. " alright fine yea were the lucky ones" adam didnt look at reeve but blushed. " well since you guys are here, i was wondering if we should all see if theres somewhere we can go." ( mira) " of course were going " Vanessa covered reeve and skeets mouths, " lets bring maybe swin wear for incase, well never know what well need it for." Everyone nodded and they went and packed there little bags.
[ an hour later ]
They met up with mira at the car and they drove off, kai looked out the window and felt a hand on top of his, he looked and saw it was adams and blushed. Reeve looked out the window and skeet laid on his shoulder, both mira and Vanessa and mira were in the front seats, " look mira a beach we should see if its a real one." Vanessa pointed it out, mira found a parking spot and they got out of the car and admired the beaches out view, " well what are we waiting for this is perfect the sunset and everything beautiful." Vanessa and mira ran and the rest walked with somethings, kai grabbed adams hand and ran into the water and eventually skeet and reeve got in too. Adam locked eyes with kai and started blushing, reeve slashed water on them " gotcha" and they splashed each other. Vanessa got out with mira then the others got out to enjoy the breeze, "KAI WE NEED YOU" Vanessa yelled at kai, he lit up the grill, mira and Vanessa started cooking up hot dogs to eat, while reeve sat near the waves, skeet laid on the sand, adam and kai found a little mountain and sat on it. " adam you really are an amazing boyfriend, i love you so much, that I taught myself how to do this" kai made a huge heart with his flames, " its so beautiful kai, i love you so so so muchh." Kai put away his flames and gave adam a big hug, and they started to kiss, feeling the breeze past them nicely. " ADAM, KAI THERE READY." They heard miras voice and walked back, after they ate they all sat down in a circle, and told stories.

{ to be continued: should I continue this :) }

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