Midnight love

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      Reeve yawned, " adam im tired, so goodnight and byee." Adam giggled a little " who said im leaving " adam grabbed reeves chin, reeve turned red " w-wait your sleeping he-here." ( reeve) " yea im gonna sleep with my boyfriend." Adam smirked and grabbed reeves hand and led him to the bed. Reeve laid down and felt something grabbing his waist, he looked back and saw adams hands wrapped around them, he pulled reeve closer and started kissing his neck, reeve jumped for the first kiss and turned red " i love you babe." Reeve turned to look at adam, " i l-love you too adam." Adam wrapped reeve around his arms, reeve nugged into adams chest, adam lifted his head up " well reeve how does it feel being lucky." Adam smirked, reeve giggled a little " it feels amazing." Reeve locked eyes with adam, reeve kissed adams lips, adam gave into the kiss, they kissed for an hour or so, reeve pulled off and felt adams heart beat and adam felt his. " hey since we arent tired there's a balcony right there you want to join me." Reeve looked at adam, adam gave him a warm smile "of course " , reeve grabbed adams hand and led him to the balcony, while they were greeted with nice breeze, adam hugged reeve from behind and laid his head on his shoulder. " you know reeve we used to hang out so much, we were unstoppable, but now my heart is finally complete with you." Reeve blushed " yea, i know but vanessa messed with our heads, so even though I apologized before ill do it again, im sorry for being such a a*sswhole to you." Adam giggled a little " its ok reeve, im happy we're together." Adam smiled, reeve couldnt help but smile. Adam turned to reeve and kissed him, reeve gave into the kiss. Then they headed to bed and reeve calmly fell asleep into adams arms.

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