Chapter One

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"Pinestripe!" Ceaderstripe shouts, "Run!"
The brown tabby she-cat stands and faces where the water would soon be coming very soon.
"Pinestripe!" Cocoapaw screams.
"She can breathe under water! c'mon, we have to go!" Burntwhisker ushers everyone forwards.
Fluffypelt hesitates a moment, her eyes filled with tears as she stands still braced against the shakes. After a moment she begins to run to catch up with Heatherfur.
Ceaderstripe begins running. She turns her head for a moment to see Pinestripe get swept up in the water. She swims to the top and rides the wave. Ceaderstripe turns back to face the way she is running. Her paws have gotten so used to the traveling that they have hardened and barely ache when she runs.
Soon she sees a recognizable spot and begins climbing. Cocoapaw darts up the wall and reaches the top before her. Everyone else reaches the top soon after.
"Nighteyes be caref-" Iceberry begins, "Nighteyes!"
The black tom splashes into the water head first, soon followed by a orange and brown tom.
Pinestripe is first into the water.

Pinestripes POV

Pinestripe leapt onto the water, the chilling ripples trying to swipe her amulet away. She didn't care, though, because she had to save that cat. She knew she had to save all of OceanClan, but it was like this brown and orange cat was... special. She didn't exactly understand it, but this cat seemed to be important.
    She dove under the water, aiming to get the cat she went for. She glanced up to see Ceaderstripe and Froststar swimming toward the black cat, then continued to dive.
    The cat thrashed in the water, trying to escape the current. Pinestripe growled, trying to grab his scruff. The cat looked up at her, pain shooting though his bold gre-
Hey, those eyes look kinda familiar, Pinestripe asked herself, Don't they?
    She finally got a grip on the splotched tom's scruff, and started pulling herself to the surface. She found that it was much more difficult to swim up with another cat in her mouth than it would be without another cat.
    When she reached the surface, she realized the tom wasn't really awake. "Oh, hey, I should probably fix that, huh?" She mewed to herself, leaping up onto the cliff and plopping him onto the ground. She nuzzled him, trying to get him to wake himself up. He was still breathing, therefore he definitely wasn't dead.
    "Hey, you, wake up!" She growled, slapping her paw onto his face and leaving it there for a second. Then she realized that doing that would probably suffocate him, and moved her paw away.
    Suddenly, the tom jumped up, coughing out the water in his lungs. He looked at the brown she-cat and growled, "Hey, couldn't you have been a bit more gentle? You could've killed me!"
Hey, that voice sounds familiar, Pinestripe thought, Can it be? No, no, no, I thought that he was d-dead.
    "Not even a thank for saving your life," Pinestripe rolled her eyes playfully.
    "Hey, you look kinda..." The tom stopped, staring at her in awe.
    "Familiar?" The two chorus, staring at each other. Pinestripe couldn't believe it.
    "My little brother!" She purred.
    "Hey, I'm still bigger than you!" Spark-whatever growled.
    "And I'm still older," Pinestripe chuckled, "I need to know you're new name now so I can call you something other than my little brother."
    "Sparkfall, what about you?"
    She looked down at her amulet that she almost forgot existed, and looked closely. She saw a black speck in it, and got confused.
    "What's wrong?" Sparkfall asked.
    Pinestripe paused before replying, "All the spots in this were white. Now look at that one."
    Sparkfall sighed, "You probably just missed it last time you looked. Now, let's catch up on life or whatever we should do."
    "Sounds good," Pinestripe mewed, "How's life been in OceanClan?"
    "Kinda bland," Sparkfall replied, "But it was pretty nice before this flood. What about you?" 
    "Well, TreeClan has been boring," She mewed, "Until this prophecy came up and I found out I can breathe underwater and that I have to save OceanClan." Pinestripe paused, "So yeah, not much has happened."
    "Ooh, can you do a water backflip?!" Sparkfall laughed.
    "I mean, I don't wanna brag," Pinestripe mewed, "But I can do anything underwater."
    Sparkfall entwined his orange splotched tail into hers as they continued to talk about how their lives have been.

Ceaderstripe's POV

"we've been expecting you," Seastar rushes to the front of the group.
The cats in the cave murmur their agreement.
We have been searching for you Ceaderstripe thinks.
Pinestripe sits with a brown and orange tom, chattering excitedly.
What're they chattering about? Its almost as if they know each other Ceaderstripe thinks, although I guess Pinestripe may know him from the practices. How would he know her though? away and turns her head back to Seastar.
"We need to get you all out of he-" Hazelstripe is interrupted by the objective mews of cats as they're pushed and shoved.
"Can someone help my kit!?" A dark gray queen pushes through the crowd, "He's stuck in the nursery!"
"I can help," Brightpaw mews.
"Come with me!" the queen pushes back through the crowd, Brightpaw following behind her. Ceaderstripe follows, just in case Brightpaw needs her assistance.
The queen stops by a small crack in the wall and glances between it and Brightpaw.
Brightpaw shrinks to about the size of a four moon kit and enters the hole.
"Wh- who's there?" The kits voice calls out.
"I'm Brightpaw," Brightpaw mews, "I'm here to help you. What's your name?"
"Wavekit," the kits whisper echo's a bit.
"Can you guys move away from the entrance!?" Brightpaw calls.
"Yeah!" Ceaderstripe calls back.
What're they planning?
Suddenly the rocks blocking the entrance crumble into the main cave. Brightpaw is as big as a sharp tooth but shrinks after a few moments.
The kit runs to his mother and Ceaderstripe turns back to the rest of the clan.
Pinestripe helps the orange and brown tom across the water to the other side.
Burntwhisker follows with one of the elders.
"Can I help any of you?" Ceaderstripe approaches where she found Eggpaw and Oaksplash.
"Take my mother first," Eggpaw nods.
"Alright," Ceaderstripe steps closer to Oaksplash before realizing she doesn't remember her, "which one of you is his mother?"
"I am," Oaksplash steps forwards shakily.
"I'm going to take your scruff and take you across," Ceaderstripe informs her.
Oaksplash nods, "alright."
Ceaderstripe latches onto her scruff and slides into the water.
Ceaderstripe paddles a moment before Oaksplash squirms.
"Let go," Oaksplash mews.
"You can't swim!" Ceaderstripe objects.
"I want to try," Oaksplash shakes her head and frees herself from Ceaderstripes grip.
She begins paddling and soon picks up speed.
"I'm doing it!" She exclaims, "I haven't swam since I was Eggpaw's age!
Ceaderstripe laughs, "come on, let's get up there."
Ceaderstripe swims to the edge and makes sure Oaksplash gets up ok before turning to help the others.
Froststar and Seastar are each guiding one of the other cats.
"Do you need help?" Ceaderstripe asks, hauling herself into the cave.
"Yeah," Eggpaw looks at his paws.
"Here," Ceaderstripe step's closer to him, "I'll take your scruff and slide into the water just like with your mother."
Eggpaw nods, "just hurry up."
Ceaderstripe grabs his scruff and slides into the fast current.
"Hi, I'm Cocoapaw! Your mother asked me to take you to her once you got over here," Cocoapaw greets them.
"Let's go," Eggpaw shakes his soft fur before following Cocoapaw through the crowd.
Ceaderstripe paddles back for one of the others.
"Can I help you?" Ceaderstripe stretches to see the cats face as they stare at the water.
"No," their gaze doesn't waver.
"So you can swim," Ceaderstripe assumes.
"Yes," the cat looks to her, its a young tom, "but I won't."
"I'm sorry but you'll have to, either that or I drag you across the water," Ceaderstripe threatens.
"My parents drowned," the toms green gaze darkens, "last green leaf at our old home. I was just a kit."
"I'm sorry," Ceaderstripes mew is full of sincerity, "but you have to come across."
"I won't swim in that water," the tom objects, "I also just watched one of my clan mates get swept away."
"Who?" Ceaderstripe searches her memory for the event.
"Sparkfall, my mentor. My name is Gingerpaw," the tom mews.
"What did they look like?"
"Brown and orange splotched tom, green eyes like mine."
Ceaderstripe studies the young toms eyes, "I saw him with Pinestripe, my friend, he's alright."
"He's ok!?" Gingerpaws eyes brighten.
"Yeah, he's on the other side now," Ceaderstripe mews.
"Take me to him!" Gingerpaw steps closer to her, "take my scruff, let's go!"
Ceaderstripe laughs, "alright."

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