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Kurt woke up with Blaine lying next to him, smiling. "That you, Bee?" he whispered.

Blaine's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled tiredly. "Did you know 'ardent' is a word?"

Kurt chuckled. "I think I've heard it before. What does it mean?"

"Enthusiastic and passionate. My love for you is ardent."

"I think I like that word. Sorry if your legs are tired; I was enjoying feeling like I was floating yesterday."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He grinned. "Having second thoughts about bottom surgery?"

Kurt wrinkled his nose, making Blaine laugh. "Still a hard pass. I'm fine with what I have."


Wes woke up to his stomach growling like always. He winced, setting a hand on it.

"You're up," David said, looking over at him.

"Yeah. D-" he stopped.

"Hunter and I got very bored, so we fucked," David informed him after he didn't speak for a while. "He doesn't come close to you. People kept knocking on our door, but they stopped after they heard us."

Wes laughed. "Typical. I- Wait." He opened and shut his mouth, an odd look on his face.

"Wes?" David asked worriedly.

He raised a hand up to his throat, rubbing it gently. "My throat's really raw and sore, which can mean one of two things."

"Nick gave a blowjob while he was you?"

Wes looked at him strangely. "Alright, one of three things. I was going to say I either threw up or ate grapes."

"W- Did you not tell Nick you're allergic?"

"It slipped my mind. Besides, it's not that severe. If he did, he only ate a few. I'll text him."


Jeff woke up, feeling like someone had tried to split him in two. He whimpered, trying not to move.

"Jeff?" Nick asked, rolling over to face him. He frowned at the look on his face. "Honey, are you okay?"

He tried to move closer to him, pain shooting through his body. He yelped, burying his face in Nick's chest.

"Oh," he said, understanding. "David and Hunter had some fun while they were cooped up in here, didn't they?"

"I don't understand how that's fun," he mumbled. "I feel so sore and achy and like I'm sitting on a spike."

"I'm sorry, honey. They're probably both used to it, I don't think they thought it might hurt you." His phone dinged, and he checked it. "It's Wes."

Hey, did you happen to
eat any grapes yesterday?

I had a sip of Blaine's
grape juice, if that's what
you mean. Just a sip,
though; it made my throat
feel weird

Fuck It! #5: Swapped/Freaky FridayWhere stories live. Discover now