Chapter 20 - Talking Feelings

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A few weeks after that night, things had improved and were getting better rapidly. Paul and I weren't so awkward around each other anymore. I guess sometimes we still acted awkward, but it wasn't as bad as before. It was more the cute awkward way that you act when you have a crush on someone.

We had been showing some kind of affection, starting to bring back that closeness we had. After the night I had offered to cuddle him in bed, we had cuddled every night and would fall asleep in each other's arms.

I think we both liked the direction we were going. We could laugh together and talk again and had learned to move on from the past. Every now and then, he does get into a little pit where he can't stop apologising and I have to keep reassuring him that it's okay now, but other than that, it's been going stable and steady.

Before either one of us would leave the house, I would give him a quick kiss on the cheek. All this physical touch and these interactions were important, I think doing them was helping bring us together.

It felt like it was becoming a real marriage again. I wore my wedding band on my finger and would hold Paul's hand if we ever walked around outside, and it didn't feel like I was forcing myself either. I genuinely felt natural being like this.

The kids were at school and I had finished my groceries for the morning so I was on my way home. My back was aching terribly today, more than usual, and I don't know why. Maybe it was because I was becoming more and more pregnant or I had just slept in a funny position.

Paul walked outside when I had arrived and helped me carry some groceries in. He knew I had a sore back and he also always acted very cautious with everything when I was pregnant. I thanked him as we brought the bags in and shut the door, placing the groceries on the bench.

He helped me put it away, most of the time I had to get him to do all the bending down for me if it was stored in the lower shelves. Just moving around was getting overly stressful for me, it would make all these parts of my body crack and I could barely walk without feeling heavy.

When we were done, I leaned against the bench and took a moment. Things seemed to be getting more tiring every day.

Paul came up to me and placed his hand on my stomach and kissing my cheek with a smile. With each day he had a growing excitement about being a father again, his children meant a lot to him and this would be no exception.

We had already come up with and were set on names. We didn't know the baby's gender though, but we had names ready whether it would be a boy or a girl. After a going through many names, we decided Xavier for a boy and Aurora for a girl. It took a while to get to those names, but we both loved them and thought they were perfect for our baby.

"How's your back, love?" Paul asked.

"Still hurting. It feels like I had carried a truck or something," I said.

"Well, darling, I've got a bath all ready for you upstairs. Thought you'd like to just relax for a bit, y'know," Paul said.

I smiled tiredly. "Really?"

"Yes. C'mon, I'll help you up the stairs," Paul said, taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom.

He opened the door and I saw that the bath had water in it and he had even put some bubbles in there. I couldn't help but swoon at how sweet he could be, he always was a romantic. When I dipped my hand in, the water was the perfect temperature, just how I like it.

I looked over at Paul. "You're such a cutie."

He shrugged. "Well, I try. Now go relax, just sit and let your mind wander."

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