Three: Paying back the Debt

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Vanessa's POV

"He was being way too nice", I said while putting on my backpack. "He could be onto us."

Jessie opened the door. "Maybe."

We walked out of Jessie's house and headed to school. It was so early in the morning that it was dark outside. We got into her frost covered car.

"Just see what he knows. He most likely heard us when we were talking about the police. Who wouldn't be curious?" Jessie said starting the car.

"How have you been doing?" I said shivering from the cold air.

"Better. But what about you? You seem to have been doing okay lately. You look like your happy."

"Yeah. I look happy. Doesn't mean I am."

"I think I'm gonna do it tonight. I'm gonna commit." I said.

Jessie stopped the car. "No way Vanessa. Your coming to my house, and were going to have a fun sleepover. You'll be fine."

"Theres nothing good for me here. Do you know how hard it is waking up every morning to this good life, with that guilt of killing someone in your stomach?"

"No. But I do have big problems."

"Like What?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "My doctors are saying I'm doing better with the whole Nikki thing. I'm just scared."

Jessie had Multiple Personality Disorder, which is when multiple personalities live in one body, but not at the same time. They come and go. Her other personality, Nikki, would sometimes break through. Jessie wouldn't remember some things people say she did, because Nikki did them.

"I'm just scared I'll black out again. And Nikki will come back."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. Nikki's gone."


At school. I was on my way to class when I ran into a familiar face.

"Oh, hi Vanessa!"

I sighed.

"Hey Ashton!" I said sarcastically. I continued walking.

"Wait uh- Vanessa-wait."

I turned around.

"My band, is uh, doing a show tonight at the beach. I know, it's like snowing outside but it'll be fun. Do you maybe Wanna go?"

I crossed my arms. "Uh, yeah sure."


I was already doubting my decision.

"Yeah, I promise", I laughed and walked away.


After school, I completely broke down. I was so mad at myself. Flashbacks from the night I went completely insane came to me. The night I was a murderer. I hated myself. I wanted to kill myself. I deserved it. I was a fucking mess. It kept repeating and repeating in my head. I screamed and punched the wall, leaving a small dent. My bruised knuckles stung, but I liked the feeling. Every inch of pain I felt, made me feel better about what I did. I owed it to him. I killed him.

My parents had flushed my blades, and I needed something. I searched my room, but there was nothing sharp enough. I desperately grabbed some scissors from the other room and began slicing my arm. With every slit came relief. As soon as I killed myself, the debt would be repaid. Me and him would be equal. Maybe he would forgive me for killing him if I killed myself.

After the pain began to be too much, I stopped.

I thought of the best ways to kill myself. If I was going to die, I wanted to die somewhere that I loved.

The beach.


Ashton's POV:

"Ashton, we have to start, hurry up", Luke said.

"Vanessa's not here yet, we have to wait. She promised she would come", I said pacing back and fourth.

"Come on, do you really care that much if she comes?"

I stopped walking. "Yes Luke."


"She's special, okay. I'm going to find her, maybe she got lost."

Luke threw his hands in the air as I walked away. "Yeah! Because there's just so many stages on this beach! Maybe she got confused!"

I walked down the beach, toward the docks. It was getting dark outside. I could hardly see across the lake. But I noticed a dark figure standing at the edge of the longest dock.

I suddenly recognized her beautiful dark hair. It was Vanessa.

I smiled as I started walking over to the docks.

"Vanessa, hey! Are you comin-" I stopped talking when I realized what was happening. My eyes widened as I saw her jump into the water.

I looked over at the stage, and then back to the water. She didn't come back up. I panicked, and not knowing what else to do, I ripped off my shirt and began running. I immediately felt the cold air on my chest.

"Ashton, what the fuck are you doing! Get over here now!" I heard Luke yell.

I didn't stop.

I heard the wooden dock rumble as I ran on it.

"You're fucking crazy!" I heard Luke yell before I jumped in.

I immediately felt the freezing water cover every inch of my body. I could hardly see anything, but I swam down until I felt her hair. I swam deeper, and found a rope that was tied around her waist. The other end of the rope was tied to a cement block, making her sink quickly. As we sunk, I quickly tried to untie her, but I was running out of breath, and it hurt to open my eyes. I quickly swam up and took one deep breath before going down again. She was almost at the bottom of the lake. I felt the soft sea grass brush against my skin as I continued uniting the rope. I finally felt the rope loosen, and her body slipped out of it. I grabbed her and brought her to the surface.

I took a deep breath in as I felt the the cold wind.

"Help!" I yelled swimming to the shore. When I could finally stand, I picked her up and began running, which was hard because the water was up to my waist.

Luke and Calum ran to the shore. "Ashton, what happened!?" Calum yelled.

Once I made it to the shore, I handed Vanessa to Calum and fell back into the water.

"Is she breathing?!" I yelled panicking.

Calum's eyes widened as he looked up at me. "No."




If any of you want to know more about Jessie and her disorder, read my book called Vodka. It explains everything that this book won't about Jessie. It's kinda just her back story and stuff, so please read it!

Also, comment what you think of this book so far, I'd really appreciate it!

-Jillian xx

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