#17 "He Hides, You Seek"

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[Izuku's POV]

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself, as I slowly sat up from the grass. "Oh, you're awake!" A very familiar voice was heard. I looked beside me only to see a red haired boy sitting next to me. "Kirishima?" I stated. "What is it, Mido?" He replied, still sitting on the grass. "Where are we?" I asked, as he shifted his head to look at the grass. "I don't know. I was gonna ask you the same thing." He chuckles, repositioning himself to face me. "K-Kirishima, I wanted to apologize..." He tilted his head, "For what? You didn't really do anything wrong. You needed to run after him to apologize, right?"

"Yes, but... It was wrong of me to leave you like that and..." I was cut off, as he leaned in closer to me, resulting me to back away and both of my elbows touching the grass. One push and I'll be lying on the ground again. "Stop, okay? Let's just enjoy this wonderful place." He shushed me, as I nodded in response. He then gave me warm a smile, a smile that somewhat melted my heart. He was so close to me, as my heart insisted on beating rapidly, though I wasn't nervous at all. In fact, I was relaxed, calm, and excited at the same time.

His claret eyes were sparkling and staring into mine. His flawless velvety hair was flowing with the wind. I stared back at him and thought, He's absolutely perfect. I couldn't help myself and leaned in closer with a strong desire of kissing him. My lips almost touching his but then...

He slightly shifted his head away from me, and putting two of his fingers on my lips. Creating a small barrier between us. "You can't do that." He stated. "Why?" I replied, my voice shaking a little. "Because I'm not real." He whispered, as he put his hand on my eyes, blinding my vision.

I woke up to my alarm clock, as my vision cleared only to see a plain white ceiling. I've never been so disappointed in my entire life. It was just a dream, having to realize such a thing it made me scrunch up my eyebrows and took a long heavy sigh. That's it, I need to see him, I have to see him. It's either today or never. I got out of bed, took my toothbrush and head out of my room. I went to the elevator only to see a fellow friend.

"Midoriya, you seem to be in a hurry. What's the matter?" Tsu asked, looking at the stiff looking me. "There's someone I need to see." I replied, almost immediately. She gave me a confused look, "Someone important?" She asks, rubbing her hands on her lap. "Definitely. I think I might die if I don't see them." My voice showing a little nervousness. The elevator door opened and walked right out. In the living room I saw a few classmates still on their pajamas as they lazily sat on the couch.

I scratched my head, "Why aren't you guys getting ready for school?" I asked. "Didn't you see my text on our group chat?" Iida replied, as he was sitting on the kitchen counter. "Last time I checked my phone was during our lunch break yesterday." I stated. "We don't have classes today! Something about the UA teachers having an urgent meeting." Mina exclaimed. Mina's words absolutely lit me up. Knowing I wouldn't have to wait to see Kirishima. "This is my CHANCE!" I exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.

"D-Don't mind me..." I stuttered, my face flushed from embarrassment. I then went to the bathroom and quickly got ready. I changed into some comfortable clothing and hurried to find Kirishima. I made my way to the halls as I bumped into a few classmates, I greeted them back as I proceeded to walk forward. The next thing I knew, I was in Kirishima's door. I didn't hesitate, I didn't even think twice before knocking on his door. I was nervous, yes, but my desire to see him is much stronger than my own worries.

The door wasn't answered, he wasn't there. I thought to myself, maybe he's hanging out with Kaminari or Kacchan. I quickly ran to Kami's room and knocked on the door. "What's up, my dude?" He stated. "Who's there?" Sero added. "It's just Midoriya. What you need, Mido?"

"Is Kirishima in there?" I asked. "Sorry, he's not. Is something wrong between you two? You've been asking him quite a lot lately." Kaminari stated, scratching the back of his head. "Nope! Nothing is wrong, definitely!" I retorted with an unconvincing tone. "Well, I haven't seen him either. Try looking at Bakugo's room." Kaminari shrugs. "Yes, I'll do that! Thanks again." I replied making my way to Kacchan's room.

I knocked on the door, not too loud unlike what I did with Kaminari's door. This is Kacchan's door we're talking about. I heard loud stomping noises getting closer as the door opened only to see Kacchan glaring at me. "What do you want, Nerd?" He groans. "Is K-Kirishima in there?" I stuttered. Hoping he won't yell at me. "No." He didn't yell at me this time. "Alright! Thank you." I thanked him and walked away.

You have to think harder, Izuku. Where would he be right now?

"Kirishima, where are we?"
"I don't know. I was gonna ask you the same question."

The School Garden! I realized, he might just be in the school garden. As I did, I immediately ran to the elevator pushed the button so many times I almost broke it. It was mere seconds until I've reached the ground floor, not bothering greeting anyone as I was nervous he won't be there. I got out the building and ran as fast as I can.

I was shaking, my heart was dancing and I couldn't be any more excited. My hair was a mess, but it didn't matter. All I want is to see him. I want to see that precious smile of his, so precious the entire world would stop just to look at him. I want to feel his scarlet red hair, and ruffle them against my fingers. I want to hold him tight in my arms, as if I was hugging a fluff of cloud. Because...

The time seemed to stop as I reached the school garden, opening the big silver gate, as I ran towards the water fountain which is the middle of the garden. Standing there was a red head boy, staring at the running water that made a bundle of loud splashes. There he was... "Kirishima!" I shouted, my voice shaking a little as I called for him. It felt as if my life depended on it.

As I called out his name, he leisurely turned around as I saw his ruby colored eyes gazing at mine. It felt as if time has stopped and everything else didn't matter.
That's right, to complete my sentence from earlier. It's because... I love him.

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