#11 "Angering Ones Idol"

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[Eijiro's POV]

We both sat on the wet grass, explaining and processing what happened. Lucky me though. I'd be hella lying if I said I didn't enjoy the accident. Of course, I kinda did lost my cool for a moment and just sat dead on the grass with my face matching my hair and eyes. Heck, you'd probably mistaken me as a fresh tomato.
I feel like vomiting from all the butterflies flying around my stomach. But I guess my wet dreams finally came true; Well, barely anyway.

"Don't apologize, it was my fault for getting too carried away." Midoriya said, scratching the back of his head. "I didn't think when I decided to stand up from the branch."

"That's what you get for attacking me too much with that little umbrella of yours!" I chuckled. As Midoriya gave me a pout, "What can I say? Your reactions were hilarious!"

"If you like it so much, then why don't you take a picture of it!" I hissed, adding a playful tone. "Maybe I will-" Midoriya stated, as he was cut off by my whole bangs giving in and covering both my eyes which he found laughable.

"Aight! Goodbye spiky hair for now." I stated, as I stood up from the wet grass and moving my hand through my now wet hair, laying my bangs back as little strands fell to the side. I then offered my hand to Midoriya, as he gladly took it and gently pulled him up.

[Izuku's POV]

We both fixed our now wet hair, as we decided to hurry back to the UA dorms. It was still raining heavily and the little umbrella we have is completely broken. Resulting both of us walking home with the rain tagging along with us. It wasn't too long until we reached our destination.

Me and Kirishima tip toed our way to the elevator hoping no one would hear us. The elevator then made it's way to my floor level, it was mere seconds until we reached it. As I was about to get off, "Let's do it again sometime." A whisper was heard from the back of my ear. I turned around to see Kirishima, his eyes shut, giving me a smile and the elevator door already closing. A light shade of red went up my cheeks, and God it made me shiver.

I then quietly went to my room without bumping to anyone. I took off my hoodie and basically stripped, wiping and drying myself off. As I was doing so, I can't help but think about what happened in the garden and Kirishima's words.

It made me, somewhat more confident about myself. And even more motivated. And that 'something' glued to my mind even tighter.

It's Monday! A beautiful day to start training. As everyone was gathered in class with Kacchan sitting in front of me, and Mr. Aizawa standing at front.

"Today will just be a regular class day" Mr. Aizawa sighed, "But after that everyone must gather in the city battle field. We'll start your training there." Everyone happily cheered, not including Kacchan and Todoroki. The day continued without anything unusual happening, nothing is really worth mentioning. Soon after that, it was already the end of our regular classes.

Everyone gathered around the city battle area. As we waited for the teacher guiding us on what training we're doing. Soon enough, Mr. Aizawa was here. It was just regular training as we focus on improving our combat skills. Some were paired, some were gathered in a group, and some were doing solo. I decided to tag along with Kacchan and his friends.

"Yo! After your spar with Kirishima can I join in next?" Kaminari exclaims.

I watched them spar, both their quirks benefit each other very well. A perfect pair for training. "I admire him a lot!" Oh? I keep recalling Kirishima's words from yesterday. It's really getting in my head, I gotta concentrate.

"You haven't seen this move yet!" Yelled Kacchan.

Should I really be just sitting here and watch Kacchan? Shouldn't I do my own training as well? I mean, I do extra training but Kacchan is here, I should at least watch him improve... "He's hard working, and undeniably determined to be a hero." Kirishima really looks up to me?

"Midoriya... Midoriya!" Kaminari yells, "H-Huh? Kaminari?" I basically stuttered, "I've been calling your name like... Five times now. Something the matter?"

I really have to stop getting lost on my own thoughts. Good thing I didn't mumble it this time. "Nope! I'm good, sorry." I awkwardly chuckle, hoping he just shrugs it off. "Anyways, I saw you do extra training the last few days. How's it going?" Kaminari asks, giving me a pat on the back.

"Actually, yeah! I'm trying to control air pressure for me to be able to do long distant combat." I exclaimed, "I'm still working on it though!" As those words left my mouth, I heard a small snicker.

I shifted my head, only to see Kacchan walking towards me and Kaminari. "Even if you succeeded, you'll never be better than me, Deku." Hold on, my mouth is moving on it's own...!

"What makes you say that, Kacchan?! I will improve! No matter what you say!" I jumped up, squeezing my eyes shut as I exclaimed those words to Kacchan's face. My unexpected action scared me, but what even scared me more was what Kacchan would say. I looked up, my eyes widened as I met his burning optics filled with anger and loath. This was the first time I stood up to him... Was it the right thing to do?

"What the fuck did you say?" Kacchan growls, his hands heating up. "You really have guts to even yell at me..." He added, as I was slowly backing away, with him continuously walking closer, gesturing his hand for an explosion. "K-Kacchan! I didn't mean to!" I stutter. His eyes, they're terrifying.... He's not bluffing, he's not bluffing!


"Nrgh! Bakugo! What are you doing?!" What? I'm not hurt? I was covering my head with my arms, I didn't know what happened. Hold on, Someone's standing in front of me. "Move it, shitty hair!" Kacchan barks, trying to get Kirishima out of the way. Kirishima must've used his quirk to block Kacchan's attack.

"Woah! Woah! Bakugo, calm down. You can't just blow our classmates away!" Kaminari steps in, as he received a death glare from Kacchan and went stiff. "Deku! If I ever see your fucking face again, I'm gonna kill you!" Kacchan groans, and immediately walking away angrily.

He's walking away? No, he can't! I have to say sorry, I have to apologize. I decided to go after Kacchan, but I was suddenly stopped by a sudden hand on my palm. Kirishima stopped me. I guess I should give Kacchan some space for now. Ahh, I really regret doing that. Making him that angry makes me wanna puke. Just from the thought of it.

And just like that... Everything that was glued on my mind, the compliments that was given to me, the hope of being Kacchan's equal, and the hope of doing something other than follow Kacchan, faded away. Right now, I'm only focused on making him forgive me, that's the only thing I vow to do right now. And no one can convince me otherwise.

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