Chapter 1

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Beep, beep, beep.

Ugh. Alarm clocks are so annoying I think to myself as I press the 'off' button. I groggily get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I look into the mirror and - woah. I look like a zombie that just came out of its grave. I quickly jump into the shower and wash my hair and body. I shave, then shut the water off. I grab my towel and dry off. I wrap the towel in my hair and head to the closet.

Well, I'm going to be sitting on a plane for 22 hours, but I'm also going to be meeting my brothers bandmates for the first time. I decide on black ripped skinny jeans becuase they are comfy as hell and an All Time Low t-shirt and black Vans. I brush out my long, dark brown hair with blonde tips, and blowdry it. I then flat iron it.

I then put on a natural looking amount of foundation and some mascara. I check my suitcase to make sure I have everything I needed for the 2-week trip. Its the middle of December so its winter here but its summer in Australia. Most of my clothes are skinnies and band tees for the trip.


I get into the car with my mom and we head to the airport.


"Bye mom! I'll see you in a few weeks. I love you," I say to my mom after hugging her.

"Bye sweetie. I love you, too," she said.

I walk towards the boarding gates and sit in the waiting area. "Flight 213 to Los Angeles is now boarding," the lady on the intercom said. I stand up and walk to the gate. I hand my ticket to the lady and walk down the long hallway to my plane. I sit in my seat and instantly put in my headphones. I am sitting in the window seat so I watch the plane take off. I put my head on side of the window and doze off.


"We will be landing in Los Angeles in 5 minutes. Please put your chairs in a sitting position and buckle your seat belts," the man said as I wake up.

I get off the plane and walk to my next gate. They were already boarding, so I get in line and wait to hand my ticket over. I sit in my seat and think, "16 more hours and I'm back home."


Wow, that was a long flight full of babies crying, people snoring, and nasty ass airplane food. I'm just happy I get to see my brother now.

He said him and the other 3 band mates would be waiting at the baggage claim, since I have to go there anyway to get my bag.

I start walking towards there and I see Ashton's dirty blonde hair, which is weird considering both our parents are brown haired. He spots me and starts running towards me. I do the same and I soon feel his arms wrap around me.

"I've missed you so much, Crystal," he whispered to me in his Australian accent.

"I've missed you too, Ash," I whispered back.

We walk over to the boys and he introduces me to them.

"Crystal, this is Rainbow Head, Calvin the Asian Drummer, and Lucifer." He says. "And if any of you guys touch Crys, (pronounced Chris) I will chop your dicks off."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Nice to meet you Michael, Calum, and Luke."

"How the hell do you know their names?" Ash asks.

"I fangirl over everything and everyone, and I'm a fan of you guys." I smiled.

"Oh shit. You're a fangirl? Guys, we better run while we have the chance." Michael joked.

"I think that would be the smart idea." I played along.

"I gotta go get my bag. Hang on."

"No need. Ashton already did." Calum said.

"Oh. Thank you."

"Mhmm. Now let's get going back to the house. I'm sure jet lag will start kicking in in a little bit." Michael said. We all agreed and headed to the car.

Luke hasn't said anything to me yet, hm.

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