Part 1 Ch 1: Chameleon Bay

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Part 1: A World At War

"Katara?" came Sokka's voice from Appa's back. Katara was still up front with Aang's unconscious body, dark circles under her eyes. She hadn't slept a wink since the night before, and the sun was just beginning to rise over the Earth Kingdom plains; they'd long since left the once-great city of Ba Sing Se behind them.

"If you're going to ask me to sleep, you can save your breath," was Katara's snappy reply. She had refused to sleep and let anyone else watch over Aang. She didn't know why, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was her fault this happened to him.

"Katara, you need to sleep," Sokka insisted. "Aang will be fine. You need to worry about yourself too, you know. You're important too."

"The world can survive without me in it," Katara said, her eyes falling to Aang. "He's far more important."

Sokka sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn't getting anywhere with his stubborn sister by keeping the argument going.

"So where are we going now?" Katara asked, clearly trying to change the subject. "We don't have King Kuei's forces, and we can't stay in the Earth Kingdom capital anymore with the Fire Nation controlling it."

"We could always go see Dad," Sokka offered. "I know the route to Chameleon Bay. They were getting ready to stinkbomb some Fire Nation ships when Aang came to get me, but I think I can find them."

Katara's eyes lit up at the prospect of seeing her father again. "Okay. I think that's the safest place for us right now."

"Here, I'll take the reins." Sokka slid down Appa's shoulders and grabbed the reins, adjusting Appa's course. Once he was certain they were on the right track, he looked over at Aang. Sokka hadn't seen the Avatar's face since Katara had healed him, and now, he wasn't sure what to feel about this face that had once been so happy, but now was silent and still. Aang's eyes were closed, and his expression was calm. He breathed deeply, almost as if he was just sleeping and not unconscious. He had regained color to his face, but was still paler than usual.

"He's gonna be okay," Katara said, following her brother's gaze. She sounded unsure, like she was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince him. Sokka only nodded in response, knowing that this was a sensitive thing to discuss with Katara right now.

Appa grumbled beneath them as Chameleon Bay came into view on the horizon. By now, the others had woken up and were watching the ground closely (or staring blankly at Appa's back, in Toph's case). Sokka's face lit up in a smile when he saw the Water Tribe ships docked on the beach. "There they are!" he exclaimed, pointing to the various tents that were set up on the beach.

"Dad..." Katara said with a smile on her face. Sokka breathed a quiet sigh of relief seeing his sister smile like that after such a terrible tragedy. It lifted his heart and gave him hope that things would be alright again.

When Appa landed, Katara slid down to her feet and looked around. Hakoda had seen Appa land and had already started making his way towards the bison. He smiled when he saw Katara, who ran to him and wrapped him in a tight hug, tears falling silently as he hugged her back.

"You're here," Katara managed to choke out through the tears.

"It's okay, Katara," Hakoda said as he rubbed Katara's back. "You're safe now."

"Katara?" came Sokka's voice from Appa's back. Katara turned around and looked up at where her brother was sitting with Aang. "Can you help me get him down?"

Katara nodded as she walked over. Toph—who had walked down Appa's tail with the Earth King and Bosco—raised the ground underneath Katara, creating a platform that stood about as tall as Hakoda. Sokka gently lowered Aang into Katara's arms, and Toph lowered the platform back down to the ground.

Hakoda's eyes widened when he saw Aang's limp body in Katara's arms. "What happened to him?" he asked in shock.

"He was shot with lighting," Katara said, her eyes never leaving Aang's still face. "That bitch who dares to call herself a princess did it."

Hakoda's eyes widened slightly at the rude language his daughter used, but he said nothing about it. Judging by how Katara looked at Aang and her obvious reactions to his injuries, the girl must have had feelings for the boy that meant more than "just friends". Hakoda wondered if the Avatar knew or felt the same towards her. Maybe both.

"Is there a spare tent I can set up in?" Katara asked. "I need a private tent for me and Aang to stay in so I can heal him."

Hakoda nodded and motioned for her to follow him. He led her to an empty tent that was just big enough for two people. Katara laid Aang down onto the bedmat in the center then shooed her father out of the tent.

Sokka walked up to his bewildered father, standing in front of Katara's tent. "Don't take it personally, Dad," Sokka said. "She's been through a lot in the past couple days."

Hakoda simply nodded, not saying anything.

Sokka decided to change the subject. "So, how did the stink-bombing expedition go?"

Hakoda turned to his son and smiled. He put his arm around him so his hand landed on Sokka's shoulder and led him away. "Well, it was quite entertaining..."

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