Mei goes crazy while a new love blossoms

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1,000,000 Points. 1,000,000 points to his name. The team with the most points would always be the one with the million-point headband. Why is fate so cruel? Izuku thought. Everybody was avoiding him like the plague. No one wanted to be on the team that would be targeted the most.

So Izuku went to the only people who he knew would be willing to be on his team, Mei-Mei and Hitoshi. They happily agreed. Although he and Hitoshi went a bit red when Izuku asked. (what were these feelings?). Mei wanted to show off her babies while Hitoshi was in it for the ride. No one would choose the kid with the 'so called' villain's quirk.

So, there were three of them. They just needed one more person for a full team. They didn't need someone per say but it is always good to have as much of an advantage that they could get. So, Izuku did the only logical thing he could think of: Get Hitoshi to brainwash Tokoyami into joining his team.

It of course worked so they now had a full team. Being the shortest, Izuku would be the rider. (Hey!) Mei would be at the front with Hitoshi and Tokoyami would be at the back. Soon enough it was time for the cavalry battle to start.

"3, 2, 1 and GO!" Midnight yelled. As soon as they got the signal, they were off. Mei had activated her jet pack. They wall nyoomed up with the help of dark shadow. They could probably stay up there for a while without the need of going down. Dark shadow was nice like that.

But they did move around. They needed to avoid the chance of getting hit. It was all going well until the last few minutes of the match. Izuku's team was still up in the air when a huge icicle was shot at his team.

Luckily, dark shadow managed to keep them all together. They were lucky like that. Although Izuku also attracted bad luck... That was a matter for another day. So after gracefully falling they were greeted by the face of team Todoroki.

"We gotta run my peeps!" Izuku screeched. That lead to his team doing a 'tactical retreat'. Seeing as they were still in the lead, they still had the huge target on their back. Shinsou had been collecting headbands but who knows if it were enough? They had a total of 1,000,690 points (nice). After some skillful dodging they were backed into a corner. The arena suddenly felt a whole lot smaller.

Ice walls surrounded them. Todoroki looks at them, in his cold stoic way. The air around them cold, seeing their breath. Izuku knows exactly what they were going to do. He had seen Iida practicing his new special move.

"Tokoyami! Get dark shadow to cover us." Izuku commanded. As soon as Iida launched himself forward, dark shadow had covered them. Blocking Iida in his path. "Dark shadow is gonna get some pats after this!"

Soon enough, the end of the round was signalled by 'Zashi. Izuku had once again won the match. True to his words, Izuku gave dark shadow the most pats as he could before Tokoyami left. Mei left soon after, leaving both Izuku and Hitoshi blushing at each other.

"So... Um want to get lunch together?" Hitoshi asked, his face growing redder by the minute.

"I would love to." Izuku replied. Stretching his hand out. Hitoshi quickly planted his hand in Izuku's grip, smiling softly.

They walked off, hand in hand towards the cafeteria.

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