The Special Night

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Kai's POV,..........
'I finished my dinner it's almost 10pm I should keep going she'll be waiting for me. I reached there at 10.07pm but she was nowhere to be seen. I waited, for a few minutes and then heard a bike appearing it was hers. But she was only 15 it's illegal. Whatever she's here. She said,"You did came. Get up let's keep moving or else I've to pay a fine again". I got up we were silent for the rest of the journey. She took me into the woods. I wonder why and I asked her, she replied,"It's a quiet place and quite familiar to me". It was dark. I asked,"What if any animal comes in?" "There are only rabbits and cats and since winter no snakes" she replied. She asked,"You single?" Gave "Hmmm" as an answer. I couldn't see her quite clear but can feel her approach towards me. She hold my shoulder with one hand and other on my cheeks and slowly pressed her lips against mine I could feel my heart racing but it settled in no time. Then I kissed her back.'

Akari's POV,...........
'He kissed me back.OMG!!! Then he pulled me more closer and his arms resting on my back. Then he pulled his arms to take off his scarf then pushed me against the tree next to me I could feel my heart racing. And how badly I wish to remain like this forever. After a while he moved his hands and opened the zip of my jacket and put his hands around my waist then they moved to open my jacket. Then my hands moved to open his. He was then gradually unbuttoning my shirt and I help him to take off his and that night was the best night of my life.'

Kai's POV,..........
'I had the best time of my life. We were laying in the grass. I humorously asked,"Don't you have a bed in your home?" "You have never slept under the stars right?" I said no"That's why you're asking such a stupid question". Did she just called me stupid? Well I should be angry on her but I'm surprisingly not. Why does my attitude doesn't work in front of her? With her I feel like I'm 9years old again. I'm genuinely happy right now. She suddenly asked,"Mr.D has a surprise announcement tomorrow, what do you think it is?".I replied,"I don't know. Hey you're such a good player why don't you compete in world championships?". She replied sadly,"World Championships need a team to compete I don't have one". We remained quiet for a few minutes then I started,"Still wear the pendant huh?" She said,"It was given by my first friend. Also you didn't ignore the scarf" "Given by my first kiss didn't dare to ignore it"said I. We laughed a bit. She then got up and helped me up. She took her phone and headphones out gave one to me, she took the other and she played, A THOUSAND YEARS by Christina Perri. Took one hand of mine into hers and I put the other on her waist she put hers on my shoulder and we danced.'

Akair's POV,..........
'It is my favorite song and my favorite moment of life, I never wanted this to end but it was too late so I dropped Kai to his hotel and left for my home. Tomorrow is the prize distribution day as well as the surprise announcement hope it had to do something with me and also it's my birthday so is Kai's. This year I'll be able give him gift on time. But what should I give him?'

To be continued.............

A/N- I'll wait for your reviews guys. Hope you'll enjoy the story.😇

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