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Ri's POV,............
It's about time I should give them their dresses. Hope they'll like it."Hey guys i have someting for you". Everyone became excited and I told them to follow me to my room. I opened the wardrobe and gave them the clothes that I picked for them."For Ray", I picked a black tux and a bow tie, white shirt. I thought that he'll really look handsome in that and he did look handsome.

 I thought that he'll really look handsome in that and he did look handsome

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"For Tyson and Max I picked this black tux you'll look great in it try it...." I continued.

" I continued

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"Hilary this is yours" I said handing her, a little black dress.

"Hilary this is yours" I said handing her, a little black dress

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"Kenny here's yours" I gave him his but he asked me that could he save it for Christmas because he loved it too much to wear in a normal party.

"Kenny here's yours" I gave him his but he asked me that could he save it for Christmas because he loved it too much to wear in a normal party

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They all went to their respective rooms then I handed a grey suit with read shirt and blue tie to Kai. He started changing in front of me. He really looked great in that. He was having difficulty with his tie I helped him with that. Kai kept his face paint on.

 Kai kept his face paint on

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And I wore a white suit with black t-shirt. And wore my pheonix pendant.
And washed off my face paint.

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At the party,..........

Tyson,"Guys I'm on my way to the buffet table"
Ri,"Ty, just remember your promise okay?"
Tyson,"I'll try my best not to full my tummy Ri"
Ri,"Orelse you'll only have to work hard"
Tyson left. White Tigers came in Ray jumped in happiness seeing Mariah and went near her to talk. Max met Mariam and was laughing with her. Kai went to have a chat with Tala and his group, rather Tala dragged him to. Ri was all alone because Hilary and Kenny went to talk with All Stars. Ri didn't knew a single one there. She was sitting on a bench all by herself. Kai noticed that and excused himself walked towards her. They chated for a few minutes. Meanwhile Tala found his girlfriend Julia and was chatting with her.
Ri,"I'm gonna check up on Tyson, surely that kid has eaten half of the buffet table. I gotta stop him now. See yaa..."
Raul was feeling uncomfortable so he excused himself from Julia and Tala and walked and sit near Kai.
Raul,"Hey Kai how you doing?"
Raul,"Heard that your team got a new member is that true?"
Kai,"Yeah.. Akari Sinuhara. How your team is gonna compete it's a five round final?"
Raul,"Oh yeah... We got a boy and two girls on our team they'll be appearing soon"
Just after that two girls and a boy entered
Raul,"There they are...."
Kai, Tala and Ray's eyes landed on one of the girls. Kai and Tala's eyes widened as they realized who it was and they were staring at her with a confusing look which she ignored. Ray grew suspicious of that girl because she looks a lot like of one his team mates......

To be continued.............

Hey guys I know this chapter is a short one because I wanted it to be a suspensive one. Well can you guess who this girl is??
Hint: I've mentioned her only once in the story. Let's see who can guess this right!
Hope you guys are enjoying😇

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