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You don't have to read this, if you want to get right to the story then skip to chapter 1

Hello! Welcome to my story! It will probably get nowhere but that's fine with me. I enjoy writing even if no one actually reads it. But if you are then thank you so much it means everything to me.

If you didn't see the description then pleased be warned that there is a bit of depression in this book, but it will get better. It also contains swearing.

This isn't the first copy of this book. I did start it before but I ended up deleting that while only having one chapter. I am now re creating it and hoping it is better than the last. I am not the best writer but if you do enjoy it then that's great!

This story will probably not get very popular but I do ask that you do not copy it and repost it as your own. Please do not spoil anything in the comments, if you do your comment will get deleted.

I am sorry if there is any grammar or spelling issues. I will try my best to edit it but if you do see any I ask if you ignore it.

Again thank you so much for reading this you are the best! I really hope you enjoy it, I don't ask that you vote but if you do it will make me so happy! If you have any questions don't be a ghost and feel free to comment them and I will get to them. Hugs for you all!^^


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