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Daughter of Athena.

Spot B wasn't too hard to find, thanks to the giant sign on the door. Yes an actual door making me think Spot B was an office but to my utmost surprise it led to a train station where a bunch of students were already waiting. One by one each student entered the train once the order was given to do so. I found a seat at the last row near the window, thank the gods, the last thing I needed was to be sandwiched between two complete strangers.

"Is this seat taken?" a voice said. I looked up and found myself staring at a brunette girl with glasses. She was beautiful but not as beautiful as the girl in the parking lot or the rude girl earlier but beautiful nonetheless. She didn't look much taller than me and her green eyes looked dim behind the thick glasses she wore.

"No" I said and the girl smiles at me a genuine smile and I can't help but smile back. Soon the train starts and a voice comes on.

"Good morning new arrivals. My name is Miss Hazel Peterson and I will be the new principal for this glorious learning institution. I am a descendant of Hypnos god of slumber. The island of the gods was created by the goddess Athena in the year 600AD. As you know the goddess Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom so it was not out of order that she wanted to create a place the offspring's of the gods to learn more about their heritage and to embrace who they are on the inside and out. She created thirteen different islands for the fulfillment of her vision of a new generation that will never forget their true heritage. The gods have stopped walking among men for the last hundred years now and the gods still haven't made themselves known to man but we still know they are watching us and that they are still taking notes of our deeds. The island was founded for the sole purpose of learning so buildings like the library, laboratory et cetera were built for keeping most knowledge lost to man some of the works written were by famous authors like Homer, Odysseys and many more . The island has rules and each student is entitled to four strikes once you have exceeded your strikes you will be suspended from the school for the semester and you will be expected to start the next semester from where you left off or you will be expelled from the school depending on the gravity of the offence. You are to stop by the auditorium to be given your respective rooms. Do have a wonderful day" the voice stops and the train is once again silent. I was aware about the fact that gods hadn't come down for almost a hundred of years. It was one of the few things I already knew about my new life. The last time a god came down to earth was sixteen years ago but nobody knew about that except I and my mother of course.

"Hi my name is Adela. Sorry about the late introduction I was just a little bit shy" the girl beside me who I now know as Adela said. I wave my hand dismissively "Don't worry about it, my name is Zenobia but you can call me Zen."

"Cool name. Did you know that you have the same name as a very famous Greek queen? I read about her once in a book its kind of my special skill. Once I read something or hear something I cannot forget it. I guess you could say I had a photographic memory."Adela looks at me thoughtfully before letting out a sigh.

"I've never met anyone with your name before; it's nice to see that someone is named after someone important."

"I don't think my name is that special" I remarked

"Well you should because I do and I've only just met you."

"Thank you." I said giving a mock bow and a queenly wave. She giggled at me and for the first time since my arrival I thought that maybe things here wouldn't be so bad.

The island of the gods was beautiful. After our train ride we had gotten on a speed boat and arrived at our destination at a reasonable time. The island had a statue of the god Poseidon at the entrance. Poseidon was the god of the sea and it was greatly thought that putting a statue of him on any sea related place would avoid his occasional wrath. The three pointed trident he held was believed to hold immense power. The buildings here all looked the same. All were eggshell white with hug pillars on each side holding up the buildings. The pathways where a deep shade of yellow that it almost looked golden like the sun. By the side of each path was a flower bush with flowers I knew and flowers I didn't. My mom and I ran a flower shop so I was well grounded when it came to flowers. The fountain stood in the middle of the school it flowed with crystal clear waters that were so enchanting that all I could think about was taking a dip in them. When we arrived at the island we were mixed with the other students and I lost sight of Adela during the time we mixed. Finally we stopped in front of a building. A lady in a white flowing gown stood in front of the building. Her hair was as white as snow and her beauty shined as bright as the moon. Beside her was a slightly shorter woman with black shining hair that was styled into a bob that framed her face perfectly.

"Good afternoon students and I welcome you all to another semester on the island. This year is a year of hope, of adventure. My name is Alicia Stevenson and I am from the descendant of the goddess Artemis who as you might know as the goddess of the moon, hunt and young maidens and I am also the schools secretary. It is an honor to welcome you, both old and new to a new school year. For those of us who are new, each descendant of the gods are gifted with magical abilities. As the linage grows the power weakens but the magic is still within you." She says her smile seemed to grow wider as she spoke. A boy raises his hand and Miss Stevenson turns her attention to him.


"What did you mean by our abilities are weakened as the linage grows?"

"That is a wonderful question. When a god mates with a mortal their offspring's are called demi gods like the demi god Hercules or the demi god Arcas both from the god Zeus the most powerful god on Olympus. But when these off springs mate they do not mate with gods but with humans and thus creating a whole new linage. As the linage grows whatever power the demi god had passes on and sometimes evolves into something better or it weakens depending on the strength of the god he or she descended from. Let's say you were descended from one of the twelve gods the probability of your power weakening is slim but if you're on the minor side you're not so lucky." She ends her lecture and the boy thanks her. I on the other hand can't get what she said out of my head. I was a demi god a descendant of one of the twelve. So did that mean I had powers? No, that's impossible I hadn't experienced anything unusual so no I didn't have powers. At least not yet.

"I have here with me the list of each person here and your roommate. Now the probability of being paired up with a former roommate is very slim so I would advise you not to get your hopes up. Where I stand is the girls dormitory so I will start with the girls first and then move on to the boys. Miss Helen here will be your dorm supervisor" she points to the lady beside her that I had completely forgotten was there till Miss Stevenson mentioned her name. "She is new here so please go easy on her" a few student giggle at what she says making me wonder just what happened to the previous dorm supervisor. Miss Helen hands her a clip note board and Miss Stevenson starts calling out the names in the order that they are listed. "Delilah Smith you will be paired with Harper Clay in room 1

Caroline Bloom you will be paired with Denise Woods in room 2

Ava McCurry you will be paired with Mia Hart in room 3." The girls I expect to be Ava and Mia both squeal at the back making me and any other person within a mile radius temporarily deaf.

"Good to know you are excited, now back to business. Adela Bell you will be paired with Zenobia Clayton in room 4." The list went on and on until she had reached room thirty. We were told that our things were already in our rooms and that we should settle in within the next hour and then report for dinner by seven, school started the next day and lateness was not tolerated in the school. As she moved the boys over to the next building.

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