At the finish line, Mr. Sotia directed the cameramen to focus on Borm and then Theo.
Ready to concede defeat, Theo crossed the finish line with his Numbamosa fruit as a formality.
Borm worn such a smug smirk on his face that Theo wanted to punch him.
Filled with rage, Theo wanted to thrash Borm, but he didn't want to look like a sore loser.
But still, he couldn't smile and pretend to be happy for Borm.
He just couldn't.
Suddenly, royal trumpets sounded through the air.
Beaming, King Omito stepped out from behind a tree.
"Congratulations!" he said.
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" cried Borm, all smiles.
The King frowned. "I wasn't talking to you."
Borm's smile was wiped off his face. "Uh, what do you mean?"
The King turned to Theo. "You may have lost the race, but you have won the Extraordinary Competition!"
The cameras caught Theo's surprised reaction.
"What?" Theo said, nearly speechless.
The King explained, "While Borm did cross the finish line before you, that doesn't matter. You see, during my announcement, I mentioned that I was looking for an outstanding Egalisian with specific characteristics. Born doesn't possess any of those characteristics, while you, Theo, possess all of them."
Dumbfounded, Theo's mouth hung open.
The King came up to Theo and shook his hand. "I've been watching you very carefully during this competition. For this very special court position, I am looking for someone that possesses three characteristics: honesty, compassion, and most importantly love."
"During Stage One, you displayed honesty by refusing to take more than one Pearl of Lao Tzu. During Stage Two, you displayed compassion by refusing to let a competitor die even though it'd slow you down. And during Stage Three, you displayed love by saving the little boy even though you were so close to the finish line."
Then, His Majesty turned to Borm. "You ignored an old woman's call for help. You have no compassion nor love in your heart. And you dishonoured your alliance with Sovana."
Born scowled. "So did she. What does all this have to do with anything? I won the contest according to the rules just like you said."
The King explained, "The true test of this competition was not whether you won each stage of the race, but how you won it. This is important, because I'm not looking for just anyone to fill any old position. As you may know, my son, the Crown Prince died in a car accident a few days ago. I am actually looking for a new heir to my throne and this heir must demonstrate all the good traits and qualities I'm looking for in a future king."
Theo stood there and digested the information.
He had won.
He couldn't believe it.
What was more, he couldn't believe that this special court position was heir apparent and Crown Prince of Egalisia.
From a poor homeless orphan street kid to royalty - never in a million years did he think this would happen to him.
"Oh, and one more thing," said the King. "The winner receives $10,000,000 a year, instead of the stated $1,000,000."
The King looked at Borm. "The runner-up and loser gets nothing."
Borm fainted.
Theo the Street Kid and the Extraordinary Competition
AvventuraA rags-to-riches story, a street kid picks himself up and succeeds against all odds.