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The next few days that followed, Nma plunged herself into her work. She knew only that could relax her and make her forget Uche Okoha and his forgotten interest in her. Sometimes she would become very angry at him for thinking he could just come into her life when he wanted and leave when it suited him. Was that how the rich behaved? She wondered. So they thought they could play with a woman's heart just to get rid of the boredom caused by their idle lifestyle. That was exactly what Uche did to her, he came into her life with a promise of excitement and romance and all of a sudden, his interest shifted.

But didn't he tell her the truth when they first met that he was not looking for a whirlwind romance. His only interest was in introducing her to his mother. Even that promise he didn't fulfill or did but it made no impact to her business life. The woman took one look at her and hated her. She wished she had never set her eyes on him, she wished she hadn't gone out with him and she wished they hadn't shared that last kiss, even the thought of it caused goose bumps on her body all over again. She had never been kissed like that before. The kiss made her come alive; it made her aware of her body like never before. She never knew one could get so much pleasure from a kiss. She was woman enough to know that he was also affected by the kiss like she was. She stopped at that thought, but if he was, why did his interest in her fade? Maybe he didn't find the kiss that exciting but she could have sworn he did. She shook her head in self pity. It was no good; Uche was a mystery she would never unravel. He was the kind of a man no woman should attempt to understand. One minute he was attracted to her and the next he ignored her like she bored him. She stood up from her table. And just then her assistant came in Helen. Helen was a very beautiful girl who didn't know how she looked, so often she was careless with her looks but no matter how careless she was, she never ceased to exude that aura of warmth and peace. She was only twenty five and she acted so matured. Helen was the type of girl she should be hanging out with. Not the foolish rich girls who thought that all the problems of this world could be solved with their daddy's billions. Nma smiled at Helen.

"Good afternoon, I just wanted to check if you want something to eat, I am about going for lunch" Helen spoke

Always like Helen to look out for her, Nma thought. Helen thought she worked too hard so she took it upon herself to remind her of some necessities like food which she tended to forget while working.

"Very kind of you Helen, I nearly forgot and considering that I didn't have breakfast, I am now very hungry"

"You work too hard Nma, slow down a bit okay, so what would you have?"

"I am so hungry that I cannot wait for you so I would rather join you" Nma smiled and got up from her chair. She took a minute to powder her nose, as she was doing that, she looked up at Helen and decided she was going to coach the girl on beauty tips.

"So what powder do you use?"

Helen looked confused for a moment but smiled.

"I am not like you Nma, it doesn't matter if I use one or not. I am too plain to do justice to it"

"You give yourself little credit babe, you are one of the most beautiful brown skin girl I have ever seen"

Helen smiled shyly; Nma could see that she didn't believe her. "You have a very good body if you would just wear the right clothes, and use the right make-up. And come to think of it, you have a very creative mind when making clothes, use it on yourself a bit"

"Do you think I am not classy enough to work here?" Nma wasn't offended; she could only see that Helen was a bit nervous which was new to her. She had always seen Helen as a very confident girl who didn't have time for frivolities or else she wouldn't have survived as her assistant

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now