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Helen froze with horror! 'Oh! Please this can't be happening' what was she going to do? Run, run, her mind screamed at her. It echoed all around her. She could hear her mind screaming the same words at her some other time when she faced another man in what seemed like two life times ago, the masked man in her dream. Slowly she turned to face him and the look she saw frightened her. She was not seeing Chuck but was relieving as in a blind fold a horror that had remained blank in her mind. The man moved and she panicked and made a sudden mad dash for the door but Chuck was anticipating that exact move and he was on her before she could open the door but to his surprise the girl started fighting with all her power to escape him. He restrained her as best as he could but she proved to be quite strong for the slender girl that she was. In her struggle the two of them fell to the floor. Chuck found himself landing on top of the girl and she winced loudly with pain the impact of his full weight caused her. She quit struggling then

"You are crushing me you moron" she croaked painfully

Chuck couldn't believe it, the girl had the audacity to speak let alone call him names. She tried to struggle again

"It won't do you any good" he told her "I am not letting you up till you tell me who you are and what you are doing here?" who was she? He thought again because she looked and sounded strangely familiar.

She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath before she tried explaining but it was difficult to draw a breath let alone speak, the guy was resting his whole weight on her...but somehow it felt great to have his hard body pressing down on her. How many times had she dreamed of this?

"Answer me!" he bellowed at her.

"First of all" she began "you are killing me and I have not mastered the act of staying in this kind of provocative position with a man while I tried to explain myself to him"

Chuck then noticed their position. He was lying fully on top of her and she was really too small and very soft. He felt a stirring in his loins which quite surprised him. He looked at her face. And that familiarity hit him again. She had very beautiful lips, quivering and begging to be kissed, and he had the strangest feeling that he had kissed those lips before, that they had beckoned on him before the way they were doing then. Without thinking he swooped down and stole her lips in a kiss.

At first she was too stunned to react, her first instinct was to protest and she opened her mouth to do exactly that, but that was just what Chuck was waiting for. As he deepened the kiss, Helen felt her control slipping away and she held on to him.

Chuck knew the exact moment he won the battle, so he relaxed the hold he had on her and lifted her.

Helen didn't notice when he lifted her. So lost was she in the soul searing kiss. But when her back touched something soft and when she felt his hands searching for her zipper, reality returned. What was she doing?

"Where is the zipper?" Chuck asked huskily

"Get off me! What are you doing?"

Her words didn't register at first so he bent to kiss her some more. He had never felt like this before with any woman before but she turned her face away

"Is it just me or is this how you treat all who come to steal from you?"

He stopped immediately and gave her the full impact of his green eyes and she melted anew

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now