Chapter 5

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Previously on
"Mom was kidnapped".

Natsu's pov
"What?" I was playing video game when Zeref run into my room without knocking, panting. "What did you just say!?!? If this is a joke its not funny".

"I'm not kidding", he said panting, looking serious. My eyes widen.

"How did you know?"

"I hear dad and his men talking in their office and I cann't find mum any where!" If this wasn't serious I would have teased him about his 'gentleman ways', ear dropping.

"We have to find her!" He give me a confused look at what I say.

"How can we? We are just kids"

"Just like in Home Alone, we can be Kevin and save our mom". Zeref face palm his head.

"Stupid", he murmured. "Maybe we should just let dad do what he do best". He advice. Yeah right!

"I'm not going to sit back and do nothing". I get up, running to the direction of dad's office with Zeref hot on my tail.

When we get there, dad was about to leave with Uncle Metal, Aunt Ur, Uncle Lightning and Uncle Blue berry.

"I am coming with you." I demand serious.

"C-coming to where son. We are just g-going um... " The old geez stammering, nervously.

"Goofing," Uncle Metal said quickly.

"I know you are going to save mum. And I am coming with you. End of discussion." Hurry walk down stairs to the car that was waiting. I enter old man's red Honda that he was sure to drive.

"Son you cann't come. Its too dangerous". Old man said once he reach the car driver seat.

"I said end of discussion", I glare making him flinch.

"Your mother wouldn't be too happy with this", he whisper to his self. "Already boys! Get ready to move out!" He yell to the rest of his men as they get into their cars. "Buckle up, son".

"Is not Zeref coming?" I ask, looking at him as he begin to drive.

"He said he is going to guard the house". I mentally roll my eyes.



It was a 45 minutes drive to the place that we were suppose to go. After parking some where the persons in the house wouldn't notice us.

Old man and his men armed up. He handed me a small hand gun and say that I should stay in the car. But of course I listen. Or so he thought.

After hearing all the guns shoots stop. I take that as my clue to go in.

In the house was decorate with dead bodies along the floors and blood along the walls.

Good thing these people doesn't have neighbors.

Only two or three or maybe less than ten of our men were on the floor.

The place was pretty much quite another than noises in a partially room.

Peeking through the door key hold, I saw a man in white suit back facing me and it look like someone seated in a chair with her hands tied behind her. I know it a her because of the pink, white and blue nail polish on her finger nail. They look just like mom!

I move little more to see what they are facing and in front of them was old man and uncles and their men with their hands up and on their knees.

"Look at the Red Dragon! In front of me on his knees", he man in the white suit laugh evilly.

"Lot her go Cole and we can settled this man to man!" Old man plead.

"Why should I!??! She is such a pretty thing". I could heard mom whimpers. Is she injure? I have to help! Then I remember that I was carrying a gun all this time. I am going to in!

Slowly but silently open the door. Thanking God! That the door wasn't the noisy type. In fact, it didn't even make a sound.

Walking silently into the room only Old man alone notice my present. Aiming the gun to the man in white suit head and


I shot him in his head, his blood fly on me and mom head, or maybe thats is his brain.

Old man get up and run to mom, taking the cloth that I didn't notice was around her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Mom nodded, still a little shaky. I watch as old man help mum out the ropes that look like mom was trying to cut them. When the ropes was finally lose, they hug and kiss each other like no tomorrow. Mom sob a little, smiling.

They look so happy... They even forget about me.

But I was wrong.

I was about to walk back to the car since everyone left the room.

When I feel a warm arms hug me from behind. "Thank you son". My eyes widen but I smile.

"Any time mom".

The kidnapper man's house was burn down.

We get home and get clean then celebrate. Even Uncle's brats sons was invite over. What a drag!

Zeref couldn't believe what happen when I tell him. He said he wasn't into violence, he is more like laws and power.

"It was your first time killing someone", I hum. "How does you feel?"

"Actually. It feels great".


Lucy's POV 🔑
I actually learn a lot about assassins.

There are four types of assassins: novices, dilettantes, journeymen, and master hitmen.

Don't ask me what they are, or what there difference are because, guess what?

I don't know.

But I don't get to chose any because all of the skills that make each and every assassins unique are begin taught to me.

And I also learn that every assassins should tend to be adept and knowledgeable in stealth and shadow manipulation to escape circumstances that may go wrong for advance preparation to escape or enter the target's head quarter. Which was pretty much cool because I get to become a ninja! How cool is that!?!?!?!

I get to know Guildart more and learn that he have a secret.

If you ask me what secret then who will I ask!

Thanks for reading
And share.

1028 words

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