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After that exchange between Jimin and Namjoon the other night things had become awkward. Whenever the two would lock eyes for a moment Namjoon would leave a tight-lipped smile before looking elsewhere.

Jimin became sick of the constant dismissal. He wanted his leader to look at him.

They'd all gotten back to Seoul after spending almost a month out of town, and once back Namjoon had instantly started to become distant. Jimin didn't know why being caught masturbating was such an issue for the rapper. They'd all done it. They were teens at one time.

"Jin-hyung, we did Fire the last time though." Hoseok exclaimed.

The MaMa awards were just around the corner and the guys still couldn't decide what songs they'd wanted to perform. No one came to an agreement yet.

"I'm tired of Fire. Let's do a throwback. Like one of our debut tracks?" Jimin offered.

"Me, J-Hope, and Namjoon could do Cypher." Yoongi said.

"... Wait, how about we let our vocals choose a song for themselves. Just the four of them will perform first. Then, after, we three do Cypher, and for our last song we all perform as a group to close it out." Namjoon said standing in the bathroom door. "That's not a bad idea, except we can't agree on anything." Jin said eyeing Jimin. The manggae shrugged looking over at his leader whom refused to meet his gaze.

Namjoon was pissing him off more and more..

"Vocals, am I right?" Hoseok joked nudging Yoongi.

"What Cypher will we do though?" Namjoon said.

"3." Yoongi replied.

Hoseok shot the hyung a look. "I wanted to do 4." He said.

"I wanted 2." Namjoon said.

"Look who can't come to an agreement now. Pft, rappers, am I right?" Jin laughed hysterically. "Look, we have to start rehearsal by tomorrow, so we need to figure something out now. Right now." Namjoon said. "Let's do a vote." Taehyung offered walking into the room with a towel across his hair.

"That doesn't sound bad." Hoseok said. "Where's Jungkook?" Namjoon asked after doing a quick head count. He hadn't seen the maknae all morning. "Asleep, most likely. The ride back to Seoul was pretty long and he wasn't able to sleep much in the car because of Taehyung." Jin replied.

Taehyung pouted, glaring at Jin. "I didn't-" He started.

"Alright, alright, just forget it. We'll do the vote like this: I'll write down a list of songs and we'll all put a tally mark next to the one we want. Since there's only 7 of us I'll ask the staff to participate. How about it?" Namjoon explained. After a moment of silence the members that were present in the room all nodded. The leader went back to his room to grab his lyric notebook and took a seat onto the couch to start the voting chart.

Jimin eased next to him sliding a hand smoothly onto the other's thigh eyeing him to see if the rapper would dare to move away. Namjoon seemed lost in thought about the voting chart, staring down at the blank paper. Jimin leaned in closer, lips almost touching the leader's face. "Why are you avoiding me?" He whispered so that the other members couldn't hear. Namjoon shot a look towards Jimin before letting his attention settle back onto the paper in his lap.

"What? I'm not."

"You are."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of. We're both men, after all." Jimin said.

Namjoon pressed his lips together tightly looking about the room praying that the other's couldn't hear the conversation he was having.

"Pretend that never happened." Namjoon pleaded biting down onto his bottom lip.

"I won't."

"Can't you just let it go?"

"I can't."

"Do you want to blackmail me or something??"

"Hyung.." Jimin started, squeezing Namjoon's leg gently. ".. we really need to talk. Come to my room when everyone's in theirs, ok?" He finished, standing to leave the room.

Namjoon's fingers had frozen unable to write anything down.

The other's were still waiting to vote..


Once the day had ended and everyone had gone to their own rooms, Namjoon slipped on his pajamas and made his way down the hall to the manggae's room, just as he'd promised. Well, he didn't promise anything. Jimin had left before Namjoon could protest, and curiosity had gotten the better of him anyhow. He wanted to know what Jimin was going to say.

As Namjoon got closer to the room he began to feel a small ping of anxiety creep into him. Maybe Jimin really did want to blackmail him.

What would the singer force him to do while withholding such embarrassing information?

Namjoon knocked quietly awaiting a reply. When he didn't get one he pushed Jimin's room door open slowly. He spotted a mass of fluffy, blonde hair peeking out from the dancer's blankets. "Jiminie?" Namjoon called. The object under the blanket shifted a few times before kicking the cover off of themselves.

Jimin sat up slowly rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, sorry. I fell asleep without realizing."

"Don't worry about it. Look, I know you're tired. Everyone is. You just wanna talk tomorrow?" Namjoon offered. He was really trying to weasel his way out of the situation and Jimin knew. He eyed his leader smirking cutely.

"No, that look on your face. This is a blackmail, isn't it? Damn, why the fu-"

"Calm down, Joonie-hyung. It's not. I'll just be straightforward, alright?" Jimin said sitting up not bothering to fix his night shirt that was lazily sliding off of his shoulder.

"I really want you." He said.

Namjoon raised a brow swallowing the lump in his throat. "What do you.. mean by that..?" The rapper asked. Jimin laughed a little at his leader's dimwitted attitude.

"Just as it sounds. Whatever you're thinking right now is what I mean."

Namjoon shook his head. "Jimin, we can't.. I mean.. dating each other.. is a bit.. Look, besides.. I'm not even.." Namjoon's words lingered in the air unable to finish his sentence. His voice stuttered and he couldn't find himself able to look into the manggae's eyes anymore.

"We don't have to date. I just want your consent."

"Consent for what?"

Jimin got to his feet easing his way towards his leader idly. "For you to be for me." Jimin said.

"You're not clarifying what you mean by that though??"

Jimin sighed. He grabbed a handfull of Namjoon's shirt yanking the other man down to where their faces could meet, before finally pushing his lips onto the leader's. Namjoon instantly melted into the kiss allowing the younger to take complete control. Jimin's lips were soft and warm. His tongue felt like poison against Namjoon's.

"Like I said, we don't have to be boyfriends. I just want you, Namjoon."

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