Best Friend

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„Such a nice day." I sigh. " So warm..." a smile spread across my face. „Don't you think so?" I asked a little ball of fur, that was quietly lying on my lap, moving his ears and keep on crunching a small piece of carrot.

„I want your life, you know. You don't have any worries, no pains. You just hopping around, sleeping, and eating. Enjoying your life fully." a sigh yet again escapes my lips as I caressed fluffy fur of white bunny. My name is Gun Atthaphan I'm 25 years old and this little furry white ball is Bibi, my bunny friend. Life wasn't that good to me for past years, but I trying to cope with it. At least I'm not alone... 

"Gun! Where are you?!" shouting from inside the house disturb my thoughts. It could be only one person.

"I'm here New!" I replayed, waiting for an owner of the voice to appear. 

"Why are you out at the terrace without blanket again?! You will catch a cold!" the tall man scold me.

"I will not Newii, don't worry."

"How can I not? You don't make it easy for me at all."

"I'm sorry," I apologised and showed puppy eyes.

"Stop doing that face."

"That's not fair." I tried it again even if I know that it isn't working on him anymore.

"Don't pout." Laugh New. "Let's go inside. I have a surprise for you."


"Yes. I'm sure you will like it." he gives ma a small grin then grasped a handle of the wheelchair I was sitting on and took me right inside the house. Yeah I'm handicapped. Bound to a wheelchair. Cliche as it seems, I was in car accident with my parents and ended like this. 

"So where is my surprise?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Impatient," New exclaimed. "First we will put Bibi back in the cage."

"If you insist." I puffed my cheek while petting little bunny friend. 

"Should I help you or will you do it yourself?"

"I will do it, but you bring water."

"Roger!" saluted New and disappeared from the room.

"Hey, baby, let's put you in your cage." i smiled. Bibi's cage was placed on small drawer near the window. I stopped  right in front of it and carefully lift her up from my lap, gently kissed its head and placed it inside.

" Rest here for a bit."

"I'm back," said New. "Here you go." He handed me a bowl of water.


"No problem. If you are done, can I show you your surprise?" smirked, New mischievously.

"Prepare yourself Gun. And you need to close your eyes." I was annoyed yet closed my eyes. Then the wheelchair start moving forward. I concentrated and tried guess where is my only cousin taking me. 

"Can I open my eyes?"

"No. Not yet."

"Why?" out of habit I pouted again.

"Didn't I tell you, to stop doing it?!"

"Let him be Newii. He's so cute like that." someone's voice echoed within the room. A really familiar voice. 

"It can't be him." Slowly opening my eyes I tried to search for the person. And there he was. Standing in the middle of the living room like he owns it. Smilling ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

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