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Sitting in the car next to Off was really stressing. My heart was racing constantly with every glance he made my way. My cheeks were on fire and I couldn't stop it. The only option for me was looking out of the window preying he, New or Tay didn't notice it. The car ride wasn't that long to my relief. We arrived at the parking lot near the restaurant my friends choose. I got pretty nervous. Why did I agree to this? I was staring at the people walking on the sidewalk and then the worries started to get back at me. What will those people think about me? Will they look at me with pity and disgust as always? Will they avoid me like a plague? 

I was so deep into my thoughts, that I didn't realize everyone was already out of the car, fixing everything for me. 

The door at my side was now open and Off stood right in front of me. I was looking at him for some time admiring his sharp features. He was really handsome. No doubt about it. 

"You're not going to unlock your seatbelt?" His voice wakes me up. 

"Sorry," I whispered and unclip myself. He was already prepared to help me out of the car when a screaming cry stopped him.

"Hey! It's my turn. You stole him before and now it's my turn. I won't let you take him away from me again."

My eyes unknowingly moved to the person that just spoke. I smiled a little when he pushed Off away. 

"Come here GunGun, your pet will take care of you." He beamed at me, taking me to his arms at once and sitting me down on the wheelchair. He wasn't that gentle like Off but still, he carried me with a smile. I was a relief to have him as a friend. 

"Now, when you finished your drama. Can we go inside? I'm hungry as a wolf." Interrupted New.  

"Yeah let's go. I'm hungry too." Off joined in. Tay just rolled his eyes and took the handle of my wheelchair. He slightly leaned over and whispered to me, "They are annoying." 

I giggled at his remark, but my smile started to disappear as we get closer to the restaurant entrance. I could feel cold sweat started forming at my back and hands. I was afraid to go inside. Every single cell in my body screamed to run away and I wanted to listen to them. But at the same time, I didn't want to disappoint my friends. Involuntarily my body started to shiver. This feeling, I hate it. We stopped at the door of the restaurant. I gulped hard. I turned my head at my friends, pleading with my eyes to take me home. 

"We are here with you. Don't worry." Tay assures me. 

"You are not alone." Said New with a smile.

"Sure cutie, we are here with you." Off winked at me.  I inhale deeply and gently nodded.

"Thank you," I whispered as we entered the restaurant. It was actually big and half of the tables were occupied. The delicious smell of food lingers all around the spacious modern room. Restaurants employees were rushing all around the place taking orders. It was quite a sight for me. Still, I was afraid. As I nervously looked around Tay handed me to New and went to the counter. After a few minutes, he came back with the waitress. Her long amber hair was tight into the ponytail and her face decorated wide smile. She looked pretty young and beautiful. 

"Hi, I am Mild." She introduced herself while looking at Off and New. When her eyes landed on me her smile suddenly faded. I knew it. There we go again, that face.

"Come with me. Table for four, right?" Mild frowned and when she looked at my friends again then like with magic spell her smile was back too. I sight as she guided us to the table on the other side of the restaurant. I didn't know if she did it on purpose or not, but the way across the whole room attracted the attention of all customers on me. I wanted to bury myself right here and there. What they were thinking? Probably judging me or pitying me. The table was at the far corner of the restaurant and it had four chairs. 

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