Chapter Three - The aftermath

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It was the light shining through the window that caused her eyes to open. She was blinking through the burning sensation that kept them shut for so long. She turned over on her side, holding the sheet up to cover her body because of the chillness in the air. She looked at him, sprawled out on his back, his face turned in the other direction, and she smiled at how beautiful he looked. She was still trying to comprehend what had happened last night, feeling her stomach flutter with butterflies when she remembered how sensational it felt to be with him again.

She carefully admired the features on his face, her hand brushing the softness of his cheek. She leaned forward, nestling her head on his pillow and draped her arm across his chest, then started gently drawing shapes on his right shoulder with her middle finger. She lifted her head to see his eyes and couldn't help but smile wider when his eyelids started opening.

He opened his eyes, looked down at her hand before turning his face to look at her.

"Hi," she said with a toothy smile, positioning her top row of teeth over her bottom lip.

"Oh, hi," he replied with a raspy voice and exhaled out his nose as he looked down at the blankets, noticing the cool texture of the soft sheets overlaying his naked body. His attention was taken away when her cold hand palmed his left cheek, forcing him to turn his face towards her. She leaned in and connected her lips delicately to his. He couldn't help but turn his body towards her to slowly match the pressure, kissing her back, and the two of them stayed gingerly kissing one another momentarily. The sheet slid down her body, and she scooted closer to him, pressing her bare bust against his chest, falling deeper into the kiss.

Before it got even more heated, Jughead forced himself to pull back slowly. Betty was still pressed up against him when she started caressing her thumb over his cheekbone. "I missed you so much," she whispered.

He curled the left corner of his mouth up, giving her a half-smile and closed his eyes, melting into her touch. They laid like that for a moment, just soaking in the silence that lingered between them. Betty took his hand and brought it down to her center between her legs and smiled. Jughead breathlessly whimpered from the slickness between her thighs and started gently rubbing it. "Wow," he whispered. "You're still so wet."

She nodded and started subtly grinding herself against his hand, aching for relief. "Can I sit on your face?" She blushed profusely and bit her thumbnail shyly. Jughead closed his eyes and took his hand out from under her, placing it on her hipbone and rubbed it tenderly. "Uh..." He shifted his body to look at the clock on the bedside table. A tense expression on his face appeared when he turned back to her. "Look, um... It's already almost 9, and I don't know when Emily is supposed to be home."

She sat up, pulling the sheet up to cover her body. "You should probably go before she gets back," he said.

She looked at him with parted lips and a blank expression on her face. "But I thought..." Her eyebrow creased slightly, smile slowly started to fade, and her eyes slowly registered the nervous expression on his face. Betty gave him a chilled look, eyes burning right through him, and he found it difficult to look at her.

"Are you still going to marry her?" She asked, her voice high and sweet.

He processed her question in his head, raising his eyebrows slightly like the answer was obvious. "Yeah."

She sucked in a sharp breath, letting it out slowly, and Jughead could've sworn he heard her heart shatter in her chest. "But I don't understand... I told you I loved you."

"I know, I..." He paused to breathe in deeply, and turned his attention to the seam on the bedsheet, tracing his finger over the stitching as he worked up the courage to spit out his words. "I love Emily," he said tenderly, meeting her swelling eyes.

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