27 : party

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Ghost Riders

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Ghost Riders. As if the town of Beacon Hills couldn't get any more complicated, we now had to worry about men on horses, running into the town and taking people; erasing our memories of them and never even knowing that we were missing people. If people were disappearing and we didn't know about it, then maybe I had lost someone that I cared about. I still had my parents and my brother but what if there was another member of our family that I didn't remember? What if I had more friends than just Liam and Mason and we were missing someone else in the pack. None of this made any sense to me but it never did.

Not only were we trying to protect the people that we cared about, but we were also given the impossible task of trying to protect anyone that had seen the Ghost Riders. The legend said that if you saw the Ghost Riders then you would be the next person to be taken and I didn't want to risk seeing them, but I also wanted to protect my friends, so I was in a sticky situation. Liam and Mason had convinced me to help protect a girl called Gwen, her sister Phoebe had already been taken and she had seen one of the Ghost Riders, which meant that she was next. But Scott wanted us to band together and save this girl before she was taken too.

Liam, Mason, Hayden, Corey and I all met in the library during one of our free periods as we wanted to come up with a plan that would allow us to keep Gwen safe. Hayden had tried talking to her about the Ghost Riders but the girl had thought that it was all some big joke and didn't believe her. So, now we were trying to figure out how we could keep her safe without her thinking that we were making it one big joke. We believed in the Ghost Riders but now we needed to make her believe in them too, before she was taken and it was all too late.

"Until we find a safe place for Gwen, we need to know her location at all times."

"Okay, that's great while we're at school, but what happens after that?" Mason asked, keeping his voice hushed so that no one could hear us. "She could go anywhere."

"Hayden could ask her, or Meg?" Corey offered but I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't even know this girl; wouldn't I just freak her out?"

"We don't have to ask her. I know where she'll be tonight, Nathan's party." Hayden held up her phone, showing the banner that Nathan had used as invites to his party. "She's been asking everybody in school about Phoebe, I'm sure she'll do the same tonight."

"We can't keep her safe at Nathan's." Liam argued, not sure if this was a good idea. "We need a place where super-naturals can't get in."

Mason smiled. "I know a place, the safest place."

The plan was to change the address of the party and to hold it at Scott's house, before he had left, he told Liam to do whatever it took to keep Gwen safe and apparently the boys interpreted that as hold a party for all of our classmates to ensure that a Ghost Rider won't take Gwen. I hated the idea, yes, we could protect the house by using Mountain Ash but what would happen if a Ghost Rider did appear and everyone saw it? Then we wouldn't just have to protect Gwen, we would have to protect everyone that had attended the party and on top of all of that, we would be marked too and could be taken at any point. Mason and Liam didn't listen to my concerns, they just told me to enjoy the party, which wasn't going to be possible because of my emotions lately but I didn't argue with them.

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