Chapter 22. On the Beaten Path

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"The softly fallen snow remembers even the smallest kindness."


The faint smell of dew tickled her nose as daylight broke through the trees and warmed her face. It was a welcome comfort against the ice and snow that bit at her heels as she finally broke into the tree line. It had been a chilling night, and despite her thick skin and armoured body, she swore it seeped down to her bones. Yet she didn't pause for shelter and instead chose to allow the veil of night to keep her company as she covered more distance.

Though over the last week she had seemingly wandered with no particular destination in mind, she had come across camps and outposts rather effortlessly. It had been easier than anticipated, and she took full advantage of it, wreaking havoc all through Endeavour's domain.

Recently, Kirishima had come across a well-beaten path that had a salty smell, and she had learned that humans salted their paths to ward off the snow. It was quite extensive and seemed to be the main path of travel between towns and settlements in that area. This was a fortunate find. Where there was civilisation, she was sure to find signs of Endeavor's soldiers.

Kirishima was quick to transform and dress, choosing to walk along the path in her human form so as not to startle any passersby. Her grievance was with the soldiers of this territory, not innocents.

Over time, carriages, carts, and the odd man on a horse passed her by on their journey, sparing her a glance until one particular old man in a wooden horse-drawn cart caught her eye and slowed to a gentle stop besides her.

"Just what has happened to you, little miss?" The old man frowned as he looked over here from head to toe. "I often hear of the odd hooligan or thief along these roads, but to steal even a young woman's shoes, how disgraceful." Kirishima looked at him in surprise before shaking her head furiously.

"Ah, no. I just don't have any." Kirishima smiled sheepishly; in truth, they had been destroyed when she transformed all those days ago, and she didn't have another pair. Not that she minded; her skin was far more resistant than that of a normal person, and even the ice that would typically rot skin did nothing but cause mild discomfort.

The old man shook his head in disbelief, his grey straw hair shaking slightly with the movement. "Well, this won't do; climb on, kiddo."

Kirishima stared for a moment before smiling and jumping aboard, landing her behind him on the hard wooden bench next to him. Instantly, a sense of relief overcame her as the pressure was relieved from her aching body.


The old man smiled and said, "Think nothing of it. Lending a stranger a helping hand is one of life's many pleasures. You never know who you'll meet."

It was a lovely sentiment, but the draconic woman couldn't help but think it was dangerous for such an old man, an unarmed old man at that, to be lending help to a complete stranger.

"But what if the person you try to help turns out to be no good?" Kirishima asked. The old man looked on to the road ahead as he pondered before answering with that same gentle smile.

"I suppose that is always a possibility, but if I hold onto that fear, one day I might miss out on meeting someone truly special."

The redhead stared at the man with a look of surprise before matching his smile, somewhat growing fond of the man already.

"I'm Kirishima; it's nice to meet you, Mr." Kirishima left the end open to question.

"Yohan, but you can call me Grampa." He answered.

Kirishima grinned and nodded, leaning back against the cart. From there, they spent some time talking to one another; they didn't talk about anything in particular, but it didn't feel forced, and it was comfortable even when they fell into silence.

They talked about how they had both found their way to where they were, Kirishima leaving certain details out, of course. She learned that Yohan was travelling from his home up north for the winter so he could be with his family for something called 'Christmas'. It was at this time that he travelled because the chill became unbearable to leave it any later, and she realised how fragile humans were in their old age.

Kirishima talked about the friends she missed dearly and how she had embarked on a journey that took her away from them. In turn, she learned that Yohan often travelled this path to see his loved ones: a daughter, her mate, and two younger children of their own. He even invited her to stay for a few days as the worst of the weather passed. An offer she warily but gratefully accepted, only if he was willing to let her help out in return.

"It's humble, but we prepare good food to eat and share warmth in front of the fire until the sun rises." He smiled fondly, the memory seeming to warm him inside.

"I have someone I share warmth with...but I haven't seen him for a while now, and the nights somehow feel colder even without the snow."

"A special someone?" Yohan looked at her out of the corner of his eye with a twinkle.

"Yes, he is very special." She instantly replied, completely missing the look he had given her.

"Oh, ho, how nice youth is." He chuckled, and the redhead decided not to question it. Humans were odd, end of story.

Not too much time had passed when Yohan seemed to sense her growing silence and chuckled, "The road is bumpy and the hours long, but there's a blanket in the back and a few sacks of rice to rest on."

Needing no more prompting, the redhead climbed into the back of the old cart and nestled among the wares. The faint smell of wheat and something earthy carried her on its shoulders as she drifted away.


A/N: What a year, huh? I never intended to take such long breaks between chapters. I just haven't been in a good place this year. I haven't had it in me to write. I knew anything I did would not be up to standard, and I didn't want to write just for the sake of it. I refuse to post something my heart isn't into.

I can't say I am back to regular updates, but I am in a better place than I was. Most of the drama in my life is finally fading away, and I can only hope that 2021 is a better year.

P.S. It's my 21st birthday on the 23rd! So at least that is something to look forwards to for me. I actually forgot until recently.

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