Chapter 24. Beneath the Crimson Moon

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"All things must come to an end, as all beauty is temporary."


There had to be a quota for how much bad luck one person could have in a single year because this was just ridiculous.

A quick count revealed no less than a dozen soldiers blocking her path back into the village, all dressed in rough-looking iron armour, the red stripe forged into the metal the telltale sign of Endeavour's men. Though she hadn't seen many with that weird-looking helmet, she assumed those sporting it had to be squad leaders.

Aside from all that, where had these clowns even come from? Didn't the old man say that they weren't due here yet? Though it appeared they weren't here for that, they made a clear line straight for her out of everyone, eyes locked on her bright red hair.

She really should have considered wearing a hat.

"Tell us where the dragon rests, and Lord Endeavour will grant you a swift end." The one with the ridiculous helmet boomed in a voice that made her ears ring.

"What?" Kirishima had a moment where she felt the cogs in her head come to a stop. They didn't know she was a changeling, after everything? There was a limit to how stupid people could be, but how did they mess that up?

"You want a dragon?"

"Did I stutter, girl?"

"Can you, uh, describe it?" Kirishima tilted her head in mock confusion.

"..." The soldiers muttered among themselves before the leader spoke again.

"The red beast! The unholy spawn that has been plaguing this land since the last moon Play dumb with me, and I'll have your tongue, witch!" The spiteful figure drew his sword and pointed its crude blade towards her.

"Ohhhh, that dragon..." Kirishima held up her hands in front of her as he stepped close, the tip to her throat. Ok, so playing dumb didn't work.


"I'll just bring it on over. Hey, 'Red Riot', lunchtime!" She looked to the sky and shouted, a wide grin on her face.

Everyone present followed suit like a row of sky-bound sunflowers, looking to the heavens with a mixture of awe and confusion among them. Several seconds passed with little to no results, a stray bird overhead catching everyone's attention for a moment before looking back to the redhead. Or to where she should have been, that is, a stray cat pausing from licking itself as all eyes focused on him.

"She turned into a cat!"

A loud smacking sound could be heard, followed by yells of 'shut up, fool' and 'find her." By then, however, she was long gone.


Well, that had been amusing; there truly were all kinds of people in this vast world. She would have loved to stay and mess with them more, but she was afraid that it would reflect badly on the town. She didn't wish to cause trouble for those who had shown her such unwavering kindness.

Kirishima looked back at the village fondly as it glowed with life behind her. She would have loved to say her farewells in a better way, but by now she was sure that the guards would be scouring the countryside for any sign of her. She promised herself that she would visit again one day. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but she hoped that they would welcome her as warmly as they learned of her true nature.

She had barely made it over the horizon when the wind picked up almost violently, and the redhead spun on her heel. There would be no time in her life that she didn't recognise that scent, no matter how faint.

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