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Bas: 22 years old Writer and Journalist for The Times Magazine, single and has a secret that is going change his life at the end

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Bas: 22 years old Writer and Journalist for The Times Magazine, single and has a secret that is going change his life at the end. Still on love with Copter.

Copter: 26 years old CEO of Samder's Banks, successful power hungry playboy, family secretes and playing cruel mind games

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Copter: 26 years old CEO of Samder's Banks, successful power hungry playboy, family secretes and playing cruel mind games. Still in love with Bas.

Max: 26 years old photographer and Journalist for The Times Magazine, carefree and has big time crush on Bas

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Max: 26 years old photographer and Journalist for The Times Magazine, carefree and has big time crush on Bas.

Max: 26 years old photographer and Journalist for The Times Magazine, carefree and has big time crush on Bas

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Tee: 24 years old Business Administrator for his parents hotels. Engaged Earth Pirapat. Later on will meet the love of his life.

Earth: 26 years old a Lawyer for a prestige's Law firm in Dallas, Texas

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Earth: 26 years old a Lawyer for a prestige's Law firm in Dallas, Texas. Arranged to be marries Tee. In love with Tee.

Nine: 26 year, Lawyer at Samder's Bank and in love love with Copter

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Nine: 26 year, Lawyer at Samder's Bank and in love love with Copter.

Nine: 26 year, Lawyer at Samder's Bank and in love love with Copter

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Sandra: 43 years old Business Editor at The Times Magazine.

Ben: 35 years old Managing Editor for The times Magazine

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Ben: 35 years old Managing Editor for The times Magazine. Bad boss.

Mila: Bas mother, age known

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Mila: Bas mother, age known. Live' a letter for Bas to read.

Mia: 49 years old Copter's mother and has many secrets

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Mia: 49 years old Copter's mother and has many secrets

Mia: 49 years old Copter's mother and has many secrets

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Jeremy: 49 years old , owner of the Samder's Bank. And Copter's biological father

Tae: 28 years old doctor and single and rich and will fall in love with Tee

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Tae: 28 years old doctor and single and rich and will fall in love with Tee.

This are the characters in my book .

Twenty Four 1/2 kisses💋        Part 2Where stories live. Discover now