First Date Anxiety

64 1 0

Pairing(s)- Jp and Wade, Pat and Gar

Word Count-774


Jp was pacing around his room anxiously. Wade would be getting off of the plane soon and would be coming for him soon after. He had decided to stay in Florida for a while and was getting him for their first official date. The only problem was that Jp had yet to find an outfit good enough. Pulling out his phone he quickly found Pats contact and Facetimed him, thinking it'd be easier that way. As much as he knew he'd get teased by his friend for years to come, he needed the help. And Pat was the best he could get.

Pat answered on the last ring and Jp could tell that Pat had been in the middle of recording and instantly regretted calling the man. "Hey whats up?" Pat greeted the younger man, pausing the game he had been playing.

"Wades coming to get me soon..well after his plane ends anyway." As he says that his phone dings. "I have an hour to find the perfect outfit, help me." Jp pleaded. As much as he knew that Jp was just probably overthinking everything, Pat couldn't help but want to laugh. He had been in the same place not too long ago himself.

"Jp, calm down. It's Wade we are talking about, he's not gonna care as long as he gets to see you." Pat tries to reassure the boy. "He thinks you're adorable in pajamas for crying out loud." Jp goes red, turning away so Pat didn't see him blushing. Pat just laughed watching the man.

"Still... What do I wear? It's our first date and it needs to be special." Jp says with a sigh. "It's what he deserves. Especially with all he's going through to even come see me."

"I get it, show me some options and I'll try to help." Pat replies after a moment of silence. "But remember, he was your best friend before this. He has seen you in many things and it hasn't managed to change his feelings for you yet." He told the man on the phone, wanting to try and help calm his nerves as much as he could.

"I know.. I'm just scared. I'm not usually like this around him.." Jp admitted, frowning. He picked up the choices he had been looking at, having more than he'd originally realized. "I don't like it."

"You guys also weren't dating, video calls and texting is completely different. But he loves you, for you. Nothing else. Remember that." Pat reminded the poor guy while looking at the options Jp had laid out for him, thinking over them. "I know, you and Gar made it look easy though." Jp whined, which brought a small laugh from the other one.

"But it wasn't. Long distance is definitely a challenge everyday. I'm just lucky to be in it with Gar rather than anyone else." Pat said with a smile at the thought of his boyfriend. "But anyway, I'd go with the button up and jeans. It's casual but not too casual if that makes sense." He answers, being content with his choice.

Jp looked at the outfit unsure. "You sure it's good enough?" Jp asked again, just for reassurance. "Yes, now go change." Pat demanded. "No more doubting yourself anymore." Jp took the clothes and disappeared for a few minutes, before returning completely dressed. He had a black button up and a pair of black skinny jeans that fit him perfectly.

"Are you happy now?" Jp asked, pretending to be annoyed with the other man. "Very much so, but put on like a black tie to go with it." Pat suggested, as Jp went and did as he said to. "Perfect." Pat says looking at the younger man. "Now when is he getting there?" He asked. Jp looked down at his phone, not having realized how long they had actually taken.

"Uhm, any minute now." Jp answered, as a knock on the front door was heard. Jp jumped, Pat laughing once again at the younger male actions. "Go see your baby, lover boy." Pat teased. "I better get all of the details." He demanded, Jp rolling his eyes in response.

"You'll get them, don't worry about it." Jp smiled, picking his phone up again. "Thanks for the help." He said, a small genuine smile on his face, which Pat returned, as Jp made his way downstairs and grabbed his shoes.

"Anytime bud. Talk to you later." Pat replied and Jp nodded. "Definitely, see ya." Jp said, before hanging up, sliding his phone in his pocket and going to meet his boyfriend at the door. 

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