
70 2 0

Pairing(s)- Jp and Wade

Word count- 427


"You don't look so good." Concern flooding Jps voice as Wade enters the house after a walk. His eyes were puffy and he was much paler than he normally was, and it looked like he was about to pass out and sweaty as well.

"That is definitely what I like to be greeted by." Wade laughed. Jp ignored the somment and reached his hand up to feel his boyfriends head, to which he found as he thought, the man was burning up. Wade never liked to admit when he was sick so it was always Jp to have to deal with the after effects of it all. It hurt Jp to watch his boyfriend suffer because he wouldn't admit to it. Even when Jp could tell something was wrong, Wade would remain as stubborn as ever.

"You should go lay down baby." Jp suggested, pulling Wade toward their bedroom. Wade tried to refuse but Jp wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Babe I'm fine. It's probably just a cold." Wade tried to convince his boyfriend. Jp gave him an annoyed look and left the room to grab something. Wade knew he wasn't getting away with it this time, even though he didn't want to bother the other man anymore then he already did.

"No you aren't, just admit it." Jp stated as he reentered the room, a bottle of medicine in hand. He handed the medicine to Wade to take, which he did to not cause the man anymore problems. He laid down and Jp covered him up, kissing him on the forehead. Wade smiled at his lover, grabbing his arm before he could walk away.

"Can I have one more thing then?" Wade asked, Jp nodding in response.

"Of course, what is it?" Wade smiled widder and patted Jp's side of the bed. "Can I have some cuddles at least?" Wade pleaded. "It'll help me feel better." Jp blushed slightly and climbed into the bed, pulling the blankets up over them. Wade rolled over and laid his head on his boyfriend's chest, Jp wrapping his arms around the sick man.

"You know I can't say no to cuddles," Jp said with a smile. He always felt his safest while laying with his boyfriend. "Even if I might get sick in the end, though I'd rather not do that."

"No promise there, my love." Wade responds, closing his eyes. Jp just smiled, he honestly didn't care if he got sick. The man in his arms is just too adorable to deny, at least for him anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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