Chapter 2 :)

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XXX Hiii, so this is the second part, and I just wanted to repeat, it;s my first time writing a fic and if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate them XXX


The hospital visit itself wasn't bad.

But what did make Luna want to disappear off of the face of the earth was the fact that Matteo would look at her every two minutes, she would feel his dark brown eyes on her and she tried to avoid them to the best of her ability but she just couldn't help it, every piece of her wanted to look into his dark eyes for eternity, she just felt a sense of familiarity, she felt safe and she felt home, but those thoughts would never be spoken from her mouth, they would never be more than that, thoughts. You could also say that the silence between them was bothering more than anything, she was on a small dose of morphine, (thankfully not enough to make her start telling Matteo how she really feels about him) so her ankle wasn't even a problem anymore, she did need a cast because it was sprained pretty badly, but even that wasn't enough to make her as uncomfortable as she was at that very moment.


You could say Matteo wasn't having the time of his life either, the way his conversation with Luna ended didn't necessarily make him feel at ease, if anything, it was the one thing making him uncomfortable, the silence between him and Luna was killing him, they had been in the E.R for the last hour and neither of them was brave enough to start a conversation.

"Thank you, again, by the way" he heard her say in the quietest tone he had ever heard coming out of her mouth, he wondered if the silence made her as uncomfortable as to finally be the one to speak.

"It's the third time you've said it today and I still haven't told you that isn't necessary, if I haven't said it already, i'm glad to be the one that found you" he said truthfully, wondering two seconds later why he said it and wanting to disappear once again after he saw how wide her big green eyes got, but he had to admit, she looked pretty cute.

"Well I am still thinking that spending your sunday in a hospital with me and my sprained ankle wasn't necessarily what you had planned" she said, with a smile that he was pretty sure was caused by the morphine, the fact that it hadn't made her groggy was still a mystery to him, but he couldn't help but think that this was better way to spend his sunday than he had planned, as long as he could spend it with her, any day would be a good one.

"Nah, it's okay" he said with a grin on his face, "I wasn't going to do much, just skate around and practice a song or two, so don't feel bad, this is a much more exciting way to spend my sunday if I do say so myself, being your knight in shining armour is pretty fun" he said with a smug grin, knowing that she wouldn't lose this opportunity to mock him in any way possible.

"So now my pain is entertaining for you?" she said with a straight face, which made him wonder if he had truly offended her or if she was messing with him, as soon as she saw how alarmed he got, she started laughing, which made him feel at ease, but he did take that moment to look at her and see how beautiful she looked in that very moment, somehow she made the hospital gown look like it was Gucci, the way her eyes lit up, even for a nanosecond made his stomach do a full 360, the way her curls bounced as she shot her head up and down as she laughed had him speechless, but the way her smile was able to make him forget about his worries, about everything else, it truly amazed him.


Luna had no idea how long they had been in the hospital, but it had been hours, she had tried to contact her parents many times, but she quickly remembered they were out of town with Ms.Sharon for two weeks, she also tried to call Nina and Simon but neither of them picked up, she figured Nina was with Gaston and Simon was in rehearsal so she didn't make more attempts to reach them, she was desperate enough to call Ambar, she wasn't as hostile as before so Luna gave it a shot, but she didn't pick up either, she tried to call everyone to say the least, she felt horrible about the fact that Matteo hadn't been home in hours, she was pretty sure he hadn't had anything to eat as well, and he looked worn out, she had taken a nap earlier and when she woke up he was sleeping in a chair right next to her bed, which made her feel even worse, she didn't want to wake him up so she read a book she had downloaded in her phone months ago but never finished, so she figured now would be a good time, but she couldn't help but get distracted by Matteo, the way he managed to look perfect even in his sleep wasn't a surprise to her, he looked peaceful, surprisingly he didn't snore, she was sure the position he was in wasn't very comfortable, why he had stayed with her all day, she didn't know, but it bothered her, Did he know the effect he had on her? Was he doing it on purpose? Would he be willing to spend a day with her if she wasn't on these conditions? She stopped trying to find answers to these questions after she figured the only answer she should get was from his own mouth, after some time her ankle had a cast, yellow, the nurse was helping her take off her I.V and brought her the few belongings she had including her clothes, in a few moments, she would wake Matteo, but she didn't have the heart to do it just yet.

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