Time for AcTiOn

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Hai Hai hai hai......
I think I know who to shoutout, remember I can shoutout someone again
If you want a shoutout show some kindness and comment cause idk who you are.... and follow me so I can lead you to victory (for real)


Ok you guys know what to do right...", amaya signed, yes ma'am, we are gona kidnap her if shes alone, one person said, good but remember she is fast and strong so be careful,  im not gonna lose anyone understood?, yes ma'am,

Ok go go go go!!!, amaya signed... and they all ran.., amaya thought about trapping her In a house and feed her two times a day only but then she thought callum will be able to find her easily....


I was walking around the castle trying to explore it more since callum said so.... but everytime I went somewhere, I always see the same people, 3 men were following me so I went to a dark place brought and i out my blades...

And then they brought out swords and bows.. They looked strong but looked like they underestimated rayla so they went easy on her, so it was easy for rayla to defeat them, she tied them up against a pillar and went to find callum.....


I was walking  around to find rayla, and instead found my aunt amaya smiling infront of me, She started signing, HI! Callum..... are you looking for someone....?, "yes umm im trying to find rayla", then at the exact same moment he found rayla running and looking scared, callum!!, I was attacked by 3 men!, I tied them, they might escape! tied them up come on!!!......

What happens next????
Now time for shoutout!!!
And its......
Tell me if its wrong speeling lol
Thx for reading
Pls vote and follow me cause I  Lead you to victory

When you are back with me... A Rayllum Story♥-♥Where stories live. Discover now