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We were following rayla as fast as we can, amaya had a furious and yet looking like she failed a mission
When we got there there were 3 men tied to a pillar deep asleep, we wake them up by slapping there faces (lol), all 3 of them suddenly woke up, then what they tried to do is to bow down to callum.., dont bow down to me!!, you tried to kidnap my girlfriend!!, HOW COULD YOU!!.., callum shouted

"Wait really?, one of them said with a confused face, YES!!, callum said.., but ma'am Amaya said that shes an elf assassin trying to kill you.., callum look directly to the tall woman and started signing, are they saying the truth!, amaya started signing, uhhhh its not what it looks like.... fine yes they are saying the truth..

How could you!!!..., rayla could have died there... I told you there is nothing that you could stop us from loving each other.....

Then suddenly soren and claudia came in, hey guys!!, soren said, hes.... acting.... special.... again..., claudia Whispered but Unfortunately soren  Heard...
N O I M N O H T, soren spelled, even your spelling sucks.. hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!..., soren made a face of sadness and was about to leave until Ezran and a girl came in.., ooohhhh hi ezran whos that?, ummmmmm a girl, ezran blushed, oh please I know shes more than that to you, callum winked forgetting what was important, WHAT NO.., both said while blushing..., anyways whats her name??

I think we all know who the girl is..
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Shes the one again cause you guys are to lazy to comment lol#_#
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