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Everything was like a time bomb.. As soon as Alex pulled up to the house, memories started to flood into my head. There was no way I didn't know this Alex guy- the question is how.
He took my bags out of the car and set them on the small wooden porch. He unlocked the door and I walked into the house.

This house was huge on the inside, you'd never imagine it was this big from outside. A huge wrap around couch with a large flatscreen tv in the living room, 2 bedrooms, a large and beautiful bathroom that seemed to match the large kitchen that lead out to a larger-than-life backyard leading to the woods. A pool, a bonfire pit, and a swing set that seemed to have a lot of memories behind it.

Then Alex went back to the porch to get my bags and he led me up hidden staircase that was right by the front door. Straight ahead of the stairs was a great big bathroom, and a bedroom to either side of that. To the right was a baby blue and dusty cobalt blue bedroom and to the right was a red and gray room, decorated just the way I wanted my foster home room to be...

He pointed to the room on the right and told me that it was my room. He set my bags off to the right, on a metallic red couch facing a flatscreen tv on a gray stand. On the left was a gray closet door with red handles, he pointed to the great big closet and said I could wear anything that fits me. Straight ahead from the door was a window seat that lead to a flat roof. He said that if I ever needed some fresh air the roof was always his sister's favorite spot. He spoke up a bit saying "You might find some empty vodka bottles, packs of cigarettes and razors throughout the room- my sister was a bit self-destructive." Maybe that would explain the scars on my body and the constant urge to smoke... He looked around as if to find something to distract from his comment. "Uh over there is where she did her makeup," he said pointing to a gray desk covered in makeup products with a metallic red stool to match the couch, "and there's the bed." He said gesturing to a nice and fluffy gray bed with red pillows. "I guess I'll leave you to get settled in.. The room across the hall is mine if you need me and I can move my things out of the bathroom for you..." He said as he turned away.

I grabbed his arm as he walked away, "Alex... Did you ever know me? I used to live in Baltimore... I was taken from my brothers- I mean, my brother- a few years ago..." I said trying to hold back tears. "I just want to know about who I used to be.." I let go and he just kept walking.

Sorry if this was short... I'm just trying to lay the groundwork for my story. Explaining the house etc.

Memories that fade like photographs... (All Time Low fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now