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The next day, after school, Gigi, Taylor and I went over to St Cletus's on the bus. Taylor made sarcastic remarks about me and Harry all the way there.

"You can do way better than him, Lou," she kept saying. "I mean, have you seen his school uniform? It looks about tenth-hand."

"Louis thinks that's romantic," Gigi said slyly. "A poor man, nothing to give him but love." She clasped her hands together and batted her eyelashes stupidly.

"Shut up, both of you," I snarled.

They laughed. Taylor prodded me in the ribs. "We're just teasing, girl," she said. "Harry's okay, if you must. I mean, he is a bit weird. Way too intense for me - all that ridiculous I must make sure you get home safely nonsense. But he's obviously really clever and, anyway, loads of people go for that brooding thing he does."

I rolled my eyes. She was making it sound like it was some kind of act Harry put on.

"Tell you one thing, though," Taylor said, lowering her voice. "He'll be after sex on your first date."

Gigi giggled.

I stared at Taylor, speechless.

"You can see it in his eyes," she said mysteriously. "He's not used to waiting for things."

She sat back and started asking Gigi what Niall was like as a kisser. I watched Gigi go pink, admitting he was really quite good. And that she was definitely dumping Joe for him.

What an earth was Taylor going on about? Harry and I hadn't even kissed yet and we'd met weeks ago. The last thing Harry was, was pushy. I shook my head. It might all be about sex for Taylor, but the connection I'd felt with Harry was different.

The bus took ages to get to the school.
In was the last week before half-term and Mr Nichols was in full flow as we arrived in the rehearsal room.

"Everyone must know their lines by the end of half-term," he was saying, pacing across the room.

"We're going to begin blocking the play using the actual stage once we're back, and rehearsals will increase to three times a week."

I looked round for Harry. He was at the end of a long row of desks, his arms folded. He looked up at Mr Nichols. His face was sulky and sullen.

"I can't do three times a week," he said. "As you already know, sir."

He said the last word with such withering contempt, I was surprised Mr Nichols didn't give him detention on the spot.

Mr Nichols narrowed his eyes. "I didn't say everyone would have to attend three times a week, Harry..." He caught sight of me and the other girls hovering by the door. "Oh, you're  here. Good. Come in, guys. Now let's get straight into Act 3, Scene 3."

Harry acted better than ever that night. He was clearly in a bad mood, but he seemed to channel it into his part. His Romeo snapped and hissed with fury at being banished after killing Tybalt.

As usual, Mr Nichols spent very little time directing him. Harry just didn't need it in the same way that everyone else did. He already moved and spoke completely naturally, making total sense of everything he said.

Soon we were at my own entrance. My legs shook as I walked over to him.

He kept his face hidden as we had our first exchange, then in a single move he leaped up and grabbed my arm.

"Spakest thou of Juliet? How is it with her?"

He walked me backwards, still gripping my arm. For a second I forgot we were acting. The passion in his eyes was totally genuine. I wasn't listening to his words, only to the rolling rhythm of the lines and the agony in his voice.

Falling Fast - L.S Where stories live. Discover now