21 - part two

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I remembered how Taylor had clung to him in our taxi after the fight in the pub alleyway. Jealousy rose inside me like a dark, thick poison, choking me.

I watched, helplessly, as they drew apart, still gazing into each other's eyes.

The next line was my own cue.

I walked onto the stage. "Madam, your mother craves a word with you." My voice sounded hollow to my ears.

"What is her mother?" Harry spoke his line without taking his eyes of Taylor.

I gave the Nurse's answer mechanically, watching the way Taylor and Harry held each other in their gaze.

A moment later and everyone apart for Taylor and I had left the stage.

As Taylor gave her next few lines, asking about Romeo - wanting to know his name and if he was married - she turned to me at last. Her face was flushed, her voice risen with excitement.

A few moments later and we were done. As I followed Taylor to the edge of the stage, I searched for Harry, but all I could see was the scenery for the balcony scene which was coming up in a moment.

The stage manager, Irwin, had created a balcony out of some painted cardboard and a set of steps on wheels. Right now he was trying to push his construction onto the stage. Liam, the boy who ran the props cupboard and was, supposedly, Irwin's assistant, was preventing him.

"We don't need the balcony yet," Liam  hissed, pushing the scenery back into the wings so that it blocked the route off the stage.

Taylor and I stopped, unable to get any further.

"Yes we do," Irwin insisted. "It should be on stage now."

Beyond the painted cardboard I could finally see my curly haired boy backstage, checking something in his script, clearly oblivious to the argument over the scenery.

Then, out of nowhere, Luke marched over and planted himself in front of Harry. He said something I couldn't hear, but from the expression on his face he wasn't happy. I caught my breath as Harry looked up slowly.

"Oh God," Taylor murmured beside me.

"Act 2 scenery, come on!" Mr Nichols shouted from the hall.

"See?" Irwin said triumphantly.

"We have to get past," I insisted.

"Fine." Liam released the scenery and Irwin started manoeuvring it carefully round.

"Hurry up," I hissed, my eyes on Harry. He was trying to step past Luke, but Luke moved sideways, blocking Harry's path. The two boys glared at each other. My pulse quickened. I knew that thundery look on Harry's face. He was on the verge of exploding.

With a thud, the balcony scenery was out of our way. As Irwin trundled it onto stage, I scuttled past, only focused on getting to Harry. There was a small crowd around him and Luke now. I was dimly aware of Taylor, beside me. Luke leaned closer to Harry, speaking into his ear.

He looked furious.

I scurried towards them, pushing past people, determined to reach them before this went any further.

Too late. Harry curled his lip and shoved out with both fists. They rammed into Luke's chest. Luke went flying into the crowd behind him. Harry followed, fist clenched, ark raised, ready to punch.

"Hey!" Taylor's voice rose above all others - all clamouring indignantly.

"Quiet backstage!" Mr Nichols roared. "And where is Chorus? Come on, people! This is the dress run! We have to keep going!"

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