Sailing towards the Future

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( Silver's POV )

The ocean is beautiful today ........... is what I would say if me and Blue weren't being attacked by Ludroth.

"Go awaaay ", I said swinging my carving knife. Blue was throwing his spines at them. It only took 2 weeks of aiming at fish and swimming lessons for him to tap into his powers. Which brings us back to the situation at hand. One shot at a Ludroth tail thinking it was a fish, and all fucking hell broke loose!?

We had been dealing with them for a few minutes now and we were turning the tides of this battle when suddenly -
"Raaaaaaa ", a loud noise filled the air.

"Aww you have got to shitting me ".

( Narrator's POV )

Silver and Blue both turned around to see the sponge king himself, the Royal Ludroth. And just to make matters
worse, they were sailing into a storm.
"Okay Blue, we have 2 choices here", Silver said looking at the storm clouds gathering in sky.

"We can either race the storm, or fight the Royal. Which do you prefer?




Blue? " Silver Turned around only to see the tiny wyvern pulling at the sails.
"Okay, storm it is. I mean, it's not like it's worse than the monsters.




"It's worse than the monsters!!! It's so, so much worse than the monsters!!!!! " Those were the only words that Silver had time to say, while getting thrown about by all the rough waves, wind, and rain. The boat was getting banged up and Blue was holding on to Silver's back so as to not get blown away. And to make matters worse, they were heading towards a water spout. I. The middle of them getting sucked up, Silver said "Hang on Blue! "

At that moment, Silver's Gemstone started to glow. A barrier of water as strong as steel surronded them. The last thing the two of them saw was an island of in the distance.



And the world turned to water.



Hakum Village

( Lute's POV )

It was another beautiful day in Hakum Village. The only reason I was awake right now, was because of an extremely persistent Rathalos. It's been 2 years since me and Ratha defeated the Blight, and since then, everything has been going well. I walk around the village only to be stopped by Cheval and Laia. "Hey Lute. Dan wanted to talk to us about the storm that happened the other day. " he says. Which is strange because Dan usually doesn't have time to "talk". But I figured if things really were that serious he would need my help so I decided to just go along with it.

When we got there, Dan had a serious expression on his face. And his Querapeco was acting nervous. "Lute, Cheval, glad you came. I have a new assignment for you two. Earlier today I was flying around and saw a monster unconscious on the beach. Chief Omna wants you guys to go on your monsties and check it out. "

Yessss! It's been ages since I've been out on a quest. Me and Cheval both looked at each other with determination in our eyes and said, "Yes sir! "



On the shoreline

( Narrator's POV )

Silver wakes up to his monstie trying to get him out of a tree. ' why can't we just have a normal day for ounce ' he thinks falling out of the tree. Blue runs over to him and licks have the dirt off of his face. "Thanks Blue. " he says while his Feircewater does the equivalent of smiling while puffing out his chest. Silver laughs then walks over to what's left of the boat.

Half of it was lost at sea, while what was left was in ruins. "Well, we are not getting out of here anytime soon. " he said looking at his Nargacuga play with a fish before eating it. He was just about to sit down in the sand when Blue stopped what he was doing and look to the sky.

His spines stood on end as he started growling. "Blue, are you oka- ", he didn't even have time to finish Blue jumped into the air and shot a boiling hot blast of water.

Not far away, Cheval and Lute were flying around searching for the monster Dan saw. "We're could this thing be? ", Cheval said getting discouraged. It's true, they had been flying around for an hour and their monsters were getting tired. "Okay Cheval, let's head - " suddenly, a steaming hot blast knocks him and Ratha out of the sky. "Lute! "

Back on the ground, Silver was staring at the scene in front of him in shock. "Blue! What the actual hell?! " Was the only thing he could manage to say. Ratha hit the ground with a thud while wraping his  wings around Lute. Moments later Cheval landed next to them taking out a Rathian Great Sword.

(Blue's POV)

I just shot down the king of the skies. I'm both impressed and terrified. A moment later a Rathian landed next to him and turned to face me while it human threatened Silver " Who are you? And why did you attack us!? " He said. Why did I somehow have the feeling that this was gonna go poorly?

( Silver's POV )

I looked at the Rathian noticing the rage in it's eyes. "Look, we didn't mean any harm. Blue just got a little defensive. " At the sound of his name he raised an eyebrow at me. That when I noticed that he had a gemstone, just like me. "My name's Silver. ", I say trying to take the tension out of the air. He was about to introduce himself when a small fire blast shot in-between us. That's when Blue snapped.

His eyes turned to slits and he got into a defensive posture. The Rathalos rider took out a Hunters Knife and slashed at me. I dodged it but Blue was struggling to keep up. That's when both riders flew into the air. "Lights out tough guy. ", the one on the Rathian said before they both through sleep bombs at us. The last thing I hear before I black out was Blue purring to me.

And that is a new record of 1032 words.

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