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Longing is the the agony of the nearness of the distant.

Kea waited silently on a bench at the platform in a denim dress and her new braids let loose.

The sun was out today, but even if it had been cold, Kea would still have indulged in the change of dress, as she was on her way to Namaqualand. Which unlike Ligstad actually had decent weather.

She held her copy of "The fault in our stars" and read off of the last page. A tear threatened to fall but Kea blinked it away. She was in public after all and she didn't want to seem insane. The train station was busy today and a buzz fell over it as men and women walked by eachother. Some holding suitcases scurrying off to work whilst some cruised in regular apparel.

The ending of the book had been unexpected, and heartbreaking, Slightly dulling Kea's mood and raising her anxiety.

She could vaguely remember telling Hades she loved and hated him, she slapped herself internally as she thought of this and decided to shove the thoughts away into the depths of her mind. She watched a mother holding on to her uneasy son as she dragged him towards the creaky benches along the platform. Her heart sank as she suddenly realized that the little boy would probably never grow up, that soon all these people's lives would be lost over a quarrel amongst the God's.

She sighed and clinged onto the hands of her mustard yellow sachel that she had carried along with her for the day. She needed Aiden to come, she needed to convince him to stop all of this madness. Something about his demeanor the night before had told her that Hades wasn't getting his way and the thought drove her to the brink of insanity.

He was arrogant and from what Kea knew so were his two foolish brothers. She saw no solution to this if she didn't intervene.

A light tap on her shoulder made her jump in her seat. She snapped her head back and her heart relaxed as she saw Hades grinning mischevioulsy as he plomped himself beside her.

"You came." she said, trying to force a smile. Her mind was still lingering over the thoughts of the apocalypse.

Hades's smile faltered, but he managed to maintain it, "Yes but you don't seem as excited as I thought you would be."

Kea bit her lower lip and looked into Hades's deep eyes, they were dangerously perfect.

"I am, I'm just kinda bummed out by the ending of this book." she said as she rose the book in front of his face.

Hades grunted, "Hmm... So strange." he murmured. He had always had a particular dislike of human sympathy but he didn't show it, instead he tried to understand why it was so, patience was something he only ever seemed to have around her.

𝐊𝐞𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐊𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now