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"You need help?" Lexi asked Holland through the bathroom door where she was taking off her makeup, or trying to.

"No, I'm almost done. I think I've got it."

"Okay, well dinner's ready."

"I'm not that hungry, Lex." She replied exiting the small en-suite of her room.

"Oh yeah, why's that Holls?" A dark raspy voice asked her and Holland stopped in her tracks. She didn't dare let her eyes drift upward from the floor where they were glued.

She was frozen in place, his words echoing in her mind until he cleared his throat and she forced herself to tilt her head upwards ever so slightly. His shoes came into view first, the black converse he rarely wore these days, then his tanned and toned legs visible as he was clad in only black gym shorts, his hands tucked in the pockets and an olive green T-shirt hiding his broad shoulders along with the tattoos she had always loved.

She stared hard at his chest, not wanting to raise her eyes any further for fear of meeting his brown ones that always seemed to melt her heart.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lexi called me."

Holland's head snapped around, her eyes harsh and her jaw set as she glared at Lexi.

"You've missed like four meals this week, Holland. You've barely spoken to me, I thought maybe you and Cal could tal—"

"Thanks, Lex. Can you give us a moment." She said harshly. Lexi bit her bottom lip and nodded, retreating back to her own room, the click of the door sounding and finally Holland raised her chin enough to see Calum's face.

He was still devastatingly handsome as always. His perfect cheek bones and his adorable chubby cheeks still tugging at her heart as they did every time she saw him.

"Shut the door." She said quiet but firm and he listened.

"Why are you here?" She asked him, turning away from him and moving to her bed, clutching a pillow to her chest like a shield.

"Lexi called, said she was worried about you. Said you hadn't been eating and that you'd broken your hand in a fall at the gym last week."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. How typical of Lexi to spill all her secrets. She never did quite know when to just keep her mouth shut.

"Don't be angry at Lexi, Holland." He told her, reading her mind like he seemed to always be able to do. "You should have told me you hurt yourself, Holland. Why wouldn't you tell me that?" His voice was rising and she clutched the pillow to her chest tighter. "Is this a new thing? You not telling me shit? Because I, for one, fucking hate this new personality trait of yours. When did you start keeping things from me, Holland?"

"I guess about the same time you kicked me out of our house Calum!" She shot back, done being quiet.

"I didn't kick you out!" He retorted and she rolled her eyes.

"For fuck's sake Calum I don't know what else you would call it. As for why I didn't call you up and tell you I broke my wrist, I guess it probably has something to do with the fact that we aren't exactly speaking and haven't been for weeks."

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