Chapter 17

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فقط میرے دل سے اتر جائیگا
بچھڑنا مبارک بچھڑ جائیگا⁦☘️⁩

My trips to foreign increased. I spent less time in Pakistan and more in London as an excuse that the company was still getting established. It worked fine.

It was one of those days that I came back to London after a month. I was waiting in my office for finance manager.

There she came Sara through the door. She looked shocked and she took time to get out of that state. On other hand, I felt nothing. She was an employ. It was impossible for me to not keep in check with new hires.

"Proceed." I waved her to continue with report. I had other things to do then wait for her to come in her senses.

"Ohh. Yes." She opened the file and started giving me details.

I asked some questions regarding finances here and there. At the end when she was finished. I expected her to leave immediately but she stood there.

"Thank you for your hard work." I was asking her politely to leave to which she still didn't get the memo.

"We can have drinks afterwards to catch up. If you would like?"

"I don't drink." Flat response, enough to give her a hint that I wasn't interested but did she take it. No.

"Coffee then?"

I sighed heavily. I really didn't want to be rude with her again. I kept my tone as less offending as I could.

"I assure you. I am a very busy man." I gestured my hand toward the door a clear indication that we are done here.

"You are still rude like before." She was amazed or distraught. I really couldn't tell.

I raised my left brow leaning back on my chair with one leg another to tell her who was the boss here.

My lips pursed with my glare set on her as I waited for to get out. I was in no mood to play this game again. I wanted things professional if she can keep it then it's ok. It not then she could leave.

"I get it. You are the boss."

"Good." A one word answers and thankfully she left after that. I really wasn't looking forward to any our interactions.

I was in London for a longer visit. Sara still pursued me with her coffee sometime tea or lunch offer. I would decline politely. It was just offers. I would tolerate her until she really get out of line.

It was just another day. I just looked at the date. The date was familiar. It was her nineteenth birthday. Sara came in office with finance report and yes a tray containing two streaming coffee cups.

Which she placed on my desk before taking a seat on the chair before the table. She gave me the review while I took the cup of coffee in hand and pulled it to my lips taking a sip.

It didn't taste as good as that one but it worked. I only needed that. I placed the cup back on desk looking at the coffee strangely. Every cup of coffee managed to remind me about her. I would yearn to taste the one made my her.

"Do you have someone in your heart?" She coyly pulled the cup to her lips.

I pulled my gaze away from the cup looking at her stiffly with narrowed gaze. "Excuse me."

"I have been so persistent and you have been constantly rejecting me so."

She was a kind of woman who was spoiled with male attraction. To her. I was a challenge that she named as love. I guess she didn't know it herself.

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