Chapter 21

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بخت کے تخت سے یک لخت اتارا ہوا شخص
تو نے دیکھا ہے کبھی جیت کے ہارا ہوا شخص

"What do you think about kids?"

I was resting my head against the inclined chair. Only two words blinked in my mind.

"Innocent and blissfully ignorant."

"What about having your own kids?"

He knew that I was trying to dodge this question. It wasn't something that I was ready to discuss yet. I kept quite not willing to give anything.

He sighed before writing something down.

"You need to be more expressive Jahan. Not only with me but also with people close to you. Sometime some small explanations could save a damaged relationship."

I nodded by head not agreeing or disagreeing.

"You fear having kids for many reasons. As I said before. You need to let go of your fears. They are caging you Jahan."

"I am not caged." I rebuked not ready to admit them out loud.

"Then why haven't you gone back to Pakistan?"

I remained silent. I had no answer. No words.

"You have shown great progress Jahan. You don't have insomnia. You nightmares aren't much frequent. Depression is gone."

He waited for some more moments and then continued again. I was here to get better but I didn't like him, invading too deep.

"You should go back to Pakistan to your wife. I helped you as much as I could. Now it's only up to you, to fight your fears."

That was my last session.


Looking at document in front, it was a development plan which needed my signature to start. Everything was given in it including money that was going to alloted by government and the total expenditure.

They really did see me as fool to think that I would give permission to start this. Starting this plan was killing to birds with one stone. It will benefit some high bureaucrats making them happy and the public will be fooled thinking that government was trying to make the city more advanced.

The basic need like food, health and education were deteriorating. And they wanted to me to allote money for some stupid big project.

My head raised from the documents in front of me, on hearing the thud of footsteps. Ibad was standing in my office with my secretary following in.

"Sir. He__________." My secretary was about to explain but I raised my head silencing him. I was in no mode to hear any excuse. I waved my head indicating him to leave the room.

Raising by brows at him. I leaned back on my chair with a stiff face regarding him with cold eyes.

"Jahan, I am here apologize." He pulled out his phone. "It's the original recording. I can send it to you."

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