Chapter 23

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تکلیف اگر روح میں اتر جائے تو_____
الفاظ اسکا مداوا کر نے
سے قاصر ہوجاتے ہیں!!

It took me several days and late nights to get some things done. Still it wasn't enough. I wanted to complete the started projects before my resignation.

Attending Sana's and Hassam's wedding proved to be nothing but a hassle. It couldn't be avoided. We had to go back to city due to my work.

Things weren't same as before. She was distant. It was expected. Our relationship had a major blow. Baby steps. That's what it needed to survive. I wasn't greedy for more. This feeling of content with what she gave me. It was freeing and nice.

The better part of me knew that things may never be same as before. It didn't matter. At least she was here in front of me. Just like this moment. With little love and little smiles and a small trust. Thing weren't that bad.

I watched her figure walk up the stairs as I climbed the stairs slowly few step behind. A smile tilted up on my lips, savouring the moment. It's been days since I could savour such small moments.

She stopped a few steps away from edge of the stairs instead of walking straight to our room. She held onto the railing with her palm on her temple.

I climbed two stairs at once to reach her. I pulled her palm away from her temple. My brows furrowed when I studied her figure. She looked weak and so frail.

"Kiya howa? (What happened?)"

"Shaddi ne shayad thaka Diya hai aur kuch nai. (The marriage has maybe tired me and nothing more.)"

It was my own carelessness. I was so busy that I didn't notice her physical state. She wasn't this thin and pale before. The excuse that she made didn't settle my mind so after walking her to the room.

I dialed the number of our doctor asking him to get here. It didn't matter if it was this late. If I wanted someone to come then they would. Unfair but this is the rule of this world. You have the world under your feet till you have the power to control it.

The doctor came almost an hour later. He checked her thoroughly while asking some small questions. Later he asked his assistance to draw some blood from Noor.

I beckoned him with ny eyes to walk outside so we could talk easily.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Mr Shah. Her B.P is very low. I have prescribed some medicine to get it leveled, But most important is that I believe that she is pregnant."


"We will be sure after having a blood test. I could be wrong."

My mind couldn't take in the news. It badly wanted to deny the truth. So I made myself believe that doctor made a mistake and waited for the report to prove that he was wrong.

The whole night went sitting in living room inhaling one cigarette after the other. I couldn't relax until I saw it myself and when I did. It felt like the ground under my feets was swept off.

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